Going to test drive an F150 Lightning Flash tomorrow

Photo please

D.O. what are you talking about? In the post above you first one, it says I’m picking up a Chevy Blazer EV.

How do I put a picture up? I looked and can’t find the way.

Click reply. Then the icon on the top row to the left of the smiley face. Then follow directions.

JFC… you literally said after you drive it home you’ll know what kind of car it is…maybe you shouldn’t be driving with your limited lack of comprehension

DO, be careful don’t get excited. You’ll get banned for being too agro!

Anyway, here’s a pic;

:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: if I get banned because some doofus doesn’t know what the car is like he’s buying until he’s driving it home….so be it. Hope you love it!!

Yeah, I test drove two of them. Inspected this one. Filled out all the paper work. And drove it home without knowing what it was.

If that works for you, have fun!

Doesn’t need to work for me, I’m not making the payment. Hope it works for you

This is like arguing with an 8 year old.

You must be new here, you’ve got to up your game a little

On second thought, you’ve got to up your gam a lot!

Nice color!

Cathy, I’ve been driving red pickups since 1987; 4 rangers (one was gold because I couldn’t get red), then 2 Frontiers. I’m giving my 2016 to my step-son and I want an EV. The ones available are just to big for regular driving so I’m taking a 2 year lease on the Blazer.

I think it’s the coolest vehicle I’ve ever had!

Hope you like it!

We were having a discussion about cars sitting in traffic leaving the stadium last night. I will never have an electric vehicle. I don’t even like the cars now where you push the button to start it. I drove a Nissan rogue rental this weekend and heated it. I also HATE it when you stop at a stoplight they shut off. So for now, I will keep my 2013 frontier with a key and gas that only has 53,000 miles on it.

Like you, this is my second Frontier. Mine is a 2016, it has 103,000 and it’s in perfect shape. I had all the mechanical stuff done at about 95,000, new tires last year, and AC tune up this year. I also had a small accident 2 years ago where the truck slid out of my driveway on the ice. It took it to a auto spa body shop who gave it back to me looking brand new inside and out.

I want an EV and I’m getting solar next spring after my new roof goes through winter with no leaks. It’s just my belief and I don’t want to start a big discussion with this but I think that if we got rid of gas-guzzlers, all drove EV, Hybrid, or fuel efficient cars, and got rid of industrial meat farms, we’d have 99% of our environmental problem solved.

And I love driving EV. It’s like driving in the future!

Cathy, one of these cars will really spoil you. I don’t even have to take the pod out or push a button. When I walk up the driver door unlocks. I could set it so that if I walk directly up to the rear, the rear door would lift up on its own, but I have that turned off.

Smooth ride, no shifting, plenty of EV power. It’s like something out of the future. Voice control to switch stations or apps and most other things.

If you go try one, you just might like it!

It’s a car. I would not like it. I’m a truck girl. I like to ride up high.

I’ve been a truck guy all my life, but this thing is niiiiiiiiiiiiiice!

Going back to the beginning here, I went to Home Depot yesterday and picked up a 10 ft length on pvc conduit. I opened up the back of the Blazer, stuck it in, closed it and drove away. Couldn’t have done this with the 21 ft long Lighning Flash!

Nice. But l assume that the conduit had to extend a little bit into the front seat area?

Oh yeah, it went right under the dashboard.

This is a fun car!