Going from tubular to clincher tyres for race day , what’s the best options?

After useing tubbies for 20 years , new bike trek SC comes with disc brakes so all my race wheels which are tubular are now obsolete
Looking at best race day option , needs to be fast but also good puncture protection
So many options out there in regards to tyre size , and pressure etc
I’m definitely not going tubeless so leave that option out please

Wheels are bontrager rsl 60 front 75 rear

So at this point I’ve narrowed it down to either of these
Gp 5000 TT

GP 5000 s

Pirelli P zero race

Proably looking at 25 front , 28 rear and TPU tubes

So any feed back on the tyres , tubes (not going latex or tubeless) pressures and sizing for race day (generally ride around 5hr 15min)

Also on ease of fit as gp 5000 can be seriously hard to get on/off

I’m 63 kg and a bit of a dinosaur so I’m struggling to understand or be convinced on the current trend of wide tyres and low pressures (lve run 25 conti comps tubbies at 100 psi for ever )


You say you are not going to latex tubes, but can I ask why, or rather suggest you really rethink that. I’ve had no actual race issues and been on latex tubes for all races since 2012. It’s incredible the difference it makes compared to standard tubes.

FWIW then I have stuck to Vittoria Corsa’s since 2005 - and whilst on New Zealand chipseal after 180km they look like they look like Stallone/Bruce Willis / Arnie at the end of any movie, I’ve only had one puncture in a race. Note that my frame is limited to 23mm (25s literally wont fit) so changes from the normal discussion on here.

I have tried the 5000s in a 28mm size on my road bike (tubed). I’ll be honest it was because availability of hooked, tubed 28mm tires left me no choice. They replaced the specialised rubinos I normally use for training. I don’t really like the handling, seem a bit more squirmy as the profile is different, but not been too bad. Equally the Michelins I would avoid like the plague based on my road bike use. That was when they first came out, but the release compound they have on the mold was still on the tyre and so if it is damp during the first few rides they were/are lethal. Also were pretty puncture prone in my usage, noting of course there’s elements of luck/ bad luck on this. I had the same years ago with the conti 3000s where everyone else raved about them, but I seemed to have a 100% puncture and slash record with them, so avoided contis ever since until 3 months ago where I had no choice.

He said TPU tubes, not butyl. TPU is as fast as latex and much lighter.

Continental Grand Prix 5000 clincher tires.

GP 5000 non-tubeless can be found for pretty cheap, I’d go that route. Assuming you don’t intentionally ride through crap on the side of the road, I really don’t have any issues with flats.

Also, difficulty getting tires on and off is more a matter of technique with tubeless rims. The center channel is your friend. I’ve taken GP5000 on and off many different rims and really can’t say I’ve ever had any issues, although I’ve never used your specific rims, in fairness.

As for pressure, id use the pressure calculator from silca based on your weight and measured tire width.

If you aren’t going tubeless then why not latex? I couldn’t believe the difference the first time I rode them on my TT bike. You probably have to be a bit more careful installing them (maybe carry a butyl spare in a race when you are rushing to change a tube) but otherwise I don’t see any downsides.

If you aren’t going tubeless then why not latex? I couldn’t believe the difference the first time I rode them on my TT bike. You probably have to be a bit more careful installing them (maybe carry a butyl spare in a race when you are rushing to change a tube) but otherwise I don’t see any downsides.

Can’t speak to the newer tpu tubes, but as a latex tube user, my understanding is that a butyl tube as a spare is a must have due to the fact that latex will go flat fairly quick when filled with C02.

After useing tubbies for 20 years , new bike trek SC comes with disc brakes so all my race wheels which are tubular are now obsolete
Looking at best race day option , needs to be fast but also good puncture protection
So many options out there in regards to tyre size , and pressure etc
I’m definitely not going tubeless so leave that option out please

Wheels are bontrager rsl 60 front 75 rear

So at this point I’ve narrowed it down to either of these
Gp 5000 TT

GP 5000 s

Pirelli P zero race

Proably looking at 25 front , 28 rear and TPU tubes

So any feed back on the tyres , tubes (not going latex or tubeless) pressures and sizing for race day (generally ride around 5hr 15min)

Also on ease of fit as gp 5000 can be seriously hard to get on/off

I’m 63 kg and a bit of a dinosaur so I’m struggling to understand or be convinced on the current trend of wide tyres and low pressures (lve run 25 conti comps tubbies at 100 psi for ever )


I’m looking at getting the exact same wheelset as you for 2024, and like you am trying to decide on the best options. I haven’t ruled out going tubeless, but not sure if it is the best option for me as I almost never train outside, so that might be bad for sealant sitting in wheels only used so often…
As per another thread I started a few days ago, I personally have not had great luck with the regular GP5000 clinchers (on HED Jet RC’s). Lots of flats. But I was using the 23 size I think. Maybe switching to 25 or 28 would be better, not sure. And yeah, they were a pain in the ass to mount onto the HED’s.

I’m looking at getting the exact same wheelset as you for 2024, and like you am trying to decide on the best options. I haven’t ruled out going tubeless, but not sure if it is the best option for me as I almost never train outside, so that might be bad for sealant sitting in wheels only used so often…
As per another thread I started a few days ago, I personally have not had great luck with the regular GP5000 clinchers (on HED Jet RC’s). Lots of flats. But I was using the 23 size I think. Maybe switching to 25 or 28 would be better, not sure. And yeah, they were a pain in the ass to mount onto the HED’s.

It depends on road condition of where you ride. I have 3 bikes on GP5000 between me and my gf and we got a flat once by a small piece of debris last summer. It was like a hair thin tiny metal wire. We run 25mm on all of them. Anyway, GP5000 is a great option if you have decent road. Fast, good grip, decent puncture resistance, durable…etc. I race with Vittoria Corsa Speed and oh boy, I’m nervous as they are really thin. Any GP5000 family would work, so I highly recommend them to OP.