"God and my daughter have forgiven me"

Strikes me as a toxic combination of poor mental health, low intelligence, and sociopathic tendencies. I don’t know what you do with these people but to keep them far away from children.

An Ohio toddler died after her mom left her alone as she took a 10-day vacation. Judge: it was the ‘ultimate act of betrayal’ | CNN

Her mother, Kristel Candelario, was away on a 10-day summer vacation and had left Jailyn alone in a playpen with a few bottles of milk, prosecutors said. A neighbor’s doorbell camera captured the 16-month old’s frequent screams, including one around 1 a.m. two days after her mother left.

But Candelario was hundreds of miles away in Puerto Rico with a male friend, authorities said. After a few days at the beach and another stop in Detroit, she returned home on June 16 last year to find her daughter dead. She’d been gone for about 10 days…

Assistant Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Anna Faraglia played security video of the mother hauling her suitcase to a car on June 6 and returning home on June 16. Minutes after she returned, Candelario called 911.

“Please I need help,” she wailed in a 911 call played during the sentencing. “Please, please, help me. My daughter is dying.”

Candelario had dressed Jailyn in a clean outfit before emergency responders arrived, the prosecutor said. But the change of clothes did not hide the horrors the girl had gone through, and Candelario’s sob story started unraveling.

Faraglia said Jailyn was found lying on a mattress covered in urine and feces. “Animals take care of their infants better,” she said.

The girl was emaciated, with sunken eyes, dry lips and fecal matter in her mouth and fingernails. She weighed seven pounds less than she had at her last doctor’s visit two months earlier, Mooney said.

I’ve not seen any articles referencing child welfare services being involved prior to the incident, nor clarifying details about the boyfriend’s complicity. Hard to imagine this was a well cared for child up to this point.

Candelario’s attorney Derek Smith said she struggled with mental health issues and had tried to kill herself by overdose in 2023, after which she was given antidepressants. Smith said she stopped taking the medication and that that influenced her judgment at the time that she left Jailyn and went on vacation.

Kristel Candelario sentenced to life in prison for toddler’s death (dispatch.com)

There is no punishment harsh enough for that woman.

Not saying it applies to this specific case of course, but this is exactly the kind of situation where an abortion is at least a thousand times more merciful of an outcome.

I wonder what was going through her head? Could she have possibly been so stupid to think the kid would be fine for 10 days? I mean why come back unless you expected the kid to not be dead?

Did it just never cross her mind that the kid was likely to die?

Truly insane behavior.

When you think through the details of the crime (how many bottles did she leave for a 10 day absence, for starters), it’s hard to believe that she was of sound mind. Reference the recent suicide attempt and discontinuation of psychiatric medications. Whether or not that rises to the level of legal exculpation I’m in no position to say, but as I said in the OP, it seems to me a toxic combination of several factors that you and I would likely never have to struggle with.

I don’t know what you do with people like this.

Truly insane behavior

It’s incomprehensible in any other context but insanity. To my knowledge she didn’t try to cover her tracks, made some feeble attempt to provide for her in her absence, and called 911 when she returned home to find her dead. She had a recent suicide attempt and recently went off her meds.

I am curious to know what her psych and competency evaluation discovered, presuming one was performed. And I have to assume it was.

Not saying it applies to this specific case of course, but this is exactly the kind of situation where an abortion is at least a thousand times more merciful of an outcome.

Yes, Kristel Candelario should have been aborted 31.5 years ago.

Not saying it applies to this specific case of course, but this is exactly the kind of situation where an abortion is at least a thousand times more merciful of an outcome.

Yes, Kristel Candelario should have been aborted 31.5 years ago.

Are you pro choice?

Not saying it applies to this specific case of course, but this is exactly the kind of situation where an abortion is at least a thousand times more merciful of an outcome.

Yes, Kristel Candelario should have been aborted 31.5 years ago.

Are you pro choice?


Also going out on a sturdy limb saying Kristel would not have sought one, given her decision making. She’s a shit person and society would have been better off without her.

More importantly, it was a non-sequitur joke.

Man, I wish I hadn’t opened the OP.

Not sniping at you at all for posting it - I just didn’t need to read that tonight.

Man, I wish I hadn’t opened the OP.

Not sniping at you at all for posting it - I just didn’t need to read that tonight.

My thoughts exactly.

I read that and thought: “wow, monsters do exist”

Stories like this reinforce my strong held belief that the death penalty is an appropriate punishment for child murderers

Man, I wish I hadn’t opened the OP.

Not sniping at you at all for posting it - I just didn’t need to read that tonight.

My thoughts exactly.

I read that and thought: “wow, monsters do exist”

Monsters need to be killed

Truly insane behavior

It’s incomprehensible in any other context but insanity. To my knowledge she didn’t try to cover her tracks, made some feeble attempt to provide for her in her absence, and called 911 when she returned home to find her dead. She had a recent suicide attempt and recently went off her meds.

I am curious to know what her psych and competency evaluation discovered, presuming one was performed. And I have to assume it was.

Something equally sinister happened to a friend of mine. She was one of 5 kids. Her father was horribly abusive, physically and sexually, and one day her mother just snapped. Killed the father, then took the kids in the car, strapped them all in, and with her in it, set them all on fire. My friend was the only one to escape and sat by the road watching and hearing her family die until another car came by. She was, I think, 6 or 7 years old when it happened.

Now, the only redeeming thing about that situation is how it ended. She was adopted by this incredible family. Her adoptive parents were unable to have kids of their own, and they made it their life’s mission to adopt and help as many troubled kids as they could. They ended up with 12 adopted kids, who all came from horrible childhoods, and they just poured their love in to each of them relentlessly.

The kids all turned in to the most incredible and resilient people. Doctors, lawyers, authors, parents themselves to great kids, etc. That family always had an open door policy, they always remembered every friend of their 12 kids that came over, were constantly hosting big communal dinners for their kid’s friends, sports teams, co-workers etc. I’m not a religious person but the adoptive parents can only be described as angels, and their work with their kids is an astounding reminder of what the power of love can accomplish.

Man, I wish I hadn’t opened the OP.

Not sniping at you at all for posting it - I just didn’t need to read that tonight.

My thoughts exactly.

I read that and thought: “wow, monsters do exist”

Monsters need to be killed

I’m generally opposed to the death penalty but in situations like this, hell yeah, have at it.

Man, I wish I hadn’t opened the OP.

Not sniping at you at all for posting it - I just didn’t need to read that tonight.

My thoughts exactly.

I read that and thought: “wow, monsters do exist”

Monsters need to be killed

I’m generally opposed to the death penalty but in situations like this, hell yeah, have at it.

I have a very narrow view (IMO) on crimes eligible for the death penalty, child murderers, child rapists, and child torturers are at the top of the list by a significant margin

That’s an incredible story and you’re most definitely right about the power of love.

But about the mother in the OP and the death penalty. The story of this infants terrible death is truly gruesome, but my guess is that, if we knew the whole story of this murderers life, we would likely be far less on board with putting her to death. The mother has something profoundly wrong with her, and putting to death mentally ill, retarded, or disturbed people for the express purpose of vengeance seems to be the wrong thng to do.

That’s an incredible story and you’re most definitely right about the power of love.

But about the mother in the OP and the death penalty. The story of this infants terrible death is truly gruesome, but my guess is that, if we knew the whole story of this murderers life, we would likely be far less on board with putting her to death. The mother has something profoundly wrong with her, and putting to death mentally ill, retarded, or disturbed people for the express purpose of vengeance seems to be the wrong thng to do.

Brilliant observation. Pro Tip insanity defenses are available in all murder trials.

That’s an incredible story and you’re most definitely right about the power of love.

But about the mother in the OP and the death penalty. The story of this infants terrible death is truly gruesome, but my guess is that, if we knew the whole story of this murderers life, we would likely be far less on board with putting her to death. The mother has something profoundly wrong with her, and putting to death mentally ill, retarded, or disturbed people for the express purpose of vengeance seems to be the wrong thng to do.

I’m not so sure it’s just about vengeance and more about not being able to trust someone like that being out in society ever again. There’s no point in keeping them alive, locked in a box, forever. I’m not sure there’s any context that would change the way I feel about that person being taken behind the wood shed, so to speak. There are some crimes so heinous That death seems like the only reasonable punishment.

A decade or so ago, some guy on a bus in the middle of Canada randomly attacked the stranger sitting next to him. He stabbed him in the neck until his head was severed, then began eating his organs as everyone else fled off the bus screaming. The guy was found to be insane at trial, and he spent something like 7 years in psychiatric care, was released, changed his name and is now a ghost, living amongst everyone else. I sure hope he doesn’t forget to take his pills this time. I’m not sure he deserves the second chance he received.