Go to a friends to watch the game. Die


WTAF happened here. This is wild as written

I am surprised this took this long to show up here.

Nobody believe’s the guy’s story.

I am surprised this took this long to show up here.

Nobody believe’s the guy’s story.

What a bizarre story. Yeah, it’s hard to believe his story. But the police are saying there are no signs of violence so who knows.

My guess would be OD. Maybe they got ahold of some deadly strong doses of fentanyl? Ive heard of that. Not much else makes sense.

I can only see the first paragraph. My guess is they got some bad hooch of some kind, whether it was the host who poisoned them or they did it to themselves is the question?

I am surprised this took this long to show up here.

Nobody believe’s the guy’s story.

What a bizarre story. Yeah, it’s hard to believe his story. But the police are saying there are no signs of violence so who knows.

My guess would be OD. Maybe they got ahold of some deadly strong doses of fentanyl? Ive heard of that. Not much else makes sense.

That’s what I was thinking. Go out back to smoke a joint or something and it’s unknowingly laced with fentanyl which killed them.

The Chiefs do have a bunch of diehard fans, but this is a bit over the top.

I’m betting large amounts of drugs by everyone. We now find out there was another guy there who left with everyone alive.


Even with a drug OD it’s a little weird that they all would have passed out at the same time, and left no physical trace of what it was that they were on.

But also weird that if the owner had killed them, that he would have just left them frozen in his back yard.

I don’t get this…

McGeeney’s fiancée had broken into Willis’s basement and found the corpse of one of his friends on his back porch, police told reporters, as the Kansas City Star reported.

You didn’t just walk around back first?

Something not smelling right. Supposedly the guy hosting the party has moved out and deleted all of his social media. Sleeping most of 48 hours? Come on.

Maybe she figured she needed to look inside the house as the most likely place to find any evidence, and only after that found the body out back.

I would guess drug overdoses too and would not be surprised to learn the guy who lives there was oblivious, albeit highly unusual. He could easily go a couple days without looking at his back porch/yard if there’s no reason for him to do so in mid-winter.


The Chiefs do have a bunch of diehard fans, but this is a bit over the top.

Too soon! :slight_smile:

Even with a drug OD it’s a little weird that they all would have passed out at the same time, and left no physical trace of what it was that they were on.

But also weird that if the owner had killed them, that he would have just left them frozen in his back yard.

I was thinking that they probably smoked a fat one laced with something on the back porch before they left the property. Thats a fairly common thing to do. Don’t want to stink up the hosts house with weed. The cold temps could have made things worse in terms of how it filled their lungs and entered their blood stream. Not an expert, but I’ve fainted after smoking strong weed not laced with anything, but I’m guessing something was added for all three men to be affected at the same time.

You would expect a roach to be found in the area, but after a couple days, it could have fallen beneath the porch or blown away.

He added: “Somebody has to end up in custody over it, regardless of any situation. They are at your house, and three people are dead.”

Interesting opinion and provides a commentary on justice as retribution/vengeance.

To the deaths - they’re all under 40. If they were over 40 I could believe the homeowner just spending the entire next day in and out of bed and not exactly enjoying the backyard. Hangovers just hit different the older you get…

According to news sources it was indeed drug overdoses. Toxicology reports fentanyl (at extremely lethal levels), cocaine, THC.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

An article that I read said that some of the host’s friends called him “The Chemist” because he was able to mix up various drug cocktails.

An article that I read said that some of the host’s friends called him “The Chemist” because he was able to mix up various drug cocktails.

I saw that too. I’m feeling like that guy is going to see some charges coming his way.

This may be the least shocking conclusion of “mysterious” deaths ever.

An article that I read said that some of the host’s friends called him “The Chemist” because he was able to mix up various drug cocktails.

Apparently, didn’t have the fentanyl measurement correct.

Worst season of True Detective so far.