Go get someone to video you swimming, TODAY

A couple weeks ago a friend offered to do some underwater video for me. He’s a swim coach. I told him I would absolutely take him up on that, and thought “I’m going to work on my technique for a few weeks so it looks a little better and THEN do video.”

In those few weeks I developed some shoulder pain. The technique corrections we made via today’s video might have prevented that. Also, I STILL thought my stroke looked terrible today. (My walls look ok though!!! I’ve been working on them and was proud!)

video is humbling and no matter how good you think you look, you don’t*
do video now
video is helpful
I’m lucky to have good friends
my technique is going to get so much better

*there are exceptions but this is going to apply to 99% of you

A couple weeks ago a friend offered to do some underwater video for me. He’s a swim coach. I told him I would absolutely take him up on that, and thought “I’m going to work on my technique for a few weeks so it looks a little better and THEN do video.”

In those few weeks I developed some shoulder pain. The technique corrections we made via today’s video might have prevented that. Also, I STILL thought my stroke looked terrible today. (My walls look ok though!!! I’ve been working on them and was proud!)

video is humbling and no matter how good you think you look, you don’t*
do video now
video is helpful
I’m lucky to have good friends
my technique is going to get so much better

*there are exceptions but this is going to apply to 99% of you

Video analysis are great, various flaws are identified. But the hard part is fixing those flaws and teaching someone about all those little tiny nuances of the freestyle stroke e,g catch and pull. Seems to be very hard for people new to swimming to develop a powerful catch and pull. I suppose there are 50+ variables that need to be fixed, so many tiny little things like swimming with a popeye mouth or tensing your core or acceleration through the stroke. They all only make a minute amount of difference, but when combined create a decent stroke.

My $0.02 - if you want to fix your swimming, take time off run and bike and just swim for a year. It would be unlikely (not impossible) that someone could go from a 1.45min/100m swimmer to a 1.24min/100m (FOP) swimmer by just swimming 3 x 3km a week and running and biking at the same time. Those 50+ little variables take a long time to develop and incorporate into your stroke.

can you say what you mean by popeye mouth?

the fixing is harder for sure, but I made a bunch of progress today. We did
300 yd wu
no more than 200 yds of video (side, above, front views)
spent about an hour looking at it and doing stuff on the deck laying on a bleacher
I got in and did 1500 ish of trying to fix stuff, with my friend (who was happily chatting with other people… he’s super generous w his time and likes to chat) occasionally saying yes this looks better, do more of this, etc
did a little more video

The corrected stroke - which still needs more work - is much slower right now (by 10-18 sec/100) but it’ll get faster once my muscles get used to these motor patterns and I can actually use the high lung capacity.

The other corrections maybe won’t be as immediate. The major change today was extending my arms more before the catch - think going high stroke rate / low DPS to lower stroke rate with more of a catch up stroke and higher DPS. The drill that really got it was “swim like you’re almost but not quite doing catch up drill”.
The things I need to work on are a L EVF and a “shinier power diamond” (this is my phrase, means decrease elbow angle through the pull phase).

so I think probably the ideal way to do it is what we did - video, swim, video.
I brought two suits; glad I did so did not have to put on wet one!

I don’t know anybody who could video my swim. But I can tell you, even from my last thread, the single biggest thing I could do to improve my swim is train myself to breathe over both shoulders.

Now, that might sound less like a performance gain but hear me out. One thing I’ve discovered is that when I breathe, I breathe over my right shoulder. The result is I get a “deeper dig” with my left arm on that stroke. Consequently, I end up pulling to the right.

I discovered a few weeks back that I can swim a sub 1:50/100m in a sprint and I can hold about a 2:10-2:15/100m for distance. Not bad, but my previous swim times have not reflected this. The reason is because of how much extra I end up swimming in a zig-zag pattern. I tend to swim about 50m, sight my buoy, correct, swim, sight, correct.

I don’t know anybody who could video my swim. But I can tell you, even from my last thread, the single biggest thing I could do to improve my swim is train myself to breathe over both shoulders.

Now, that might sound less like a performance gain but hear me out.

hand someone your phone for a 50; ask another swimmer and offer to do the same for him or her. Even video from “above” positions are informative. That is actually one of the most informative angles on mine.

Bilateral breathing is a HUGE performance helper! I needn’t be convinced.

hand someone your phone for a 50; … Even video from “above” positions are informative.

If you have at least an iphone 12 or newer, you can video underwater. The phone is water resistant for 30 minutes at 6 meters. Doing a few minutes at 3 ft will not harm it.

I agree that, if you can’t get a coach, video analysis is the next best thing. Without an external view of their stroke, most athletes can’t sense what they’re doing wrong.

The one thing I would add though is that it needs to be done regularly, and the more frequently the better. Once you find a mistake, chances are you will either under-correct or over-correct or both. In my experience, a one-off analysis can be very illuminating, but rarely leads to a long-term improvement without follow-up.

For a long time I tended to cross the midline with my left arm, an error easy to spot on camera but hard to eradicate permanently. My initial correction was usually insufficient, even though I exaggerated the movement and felt like my hand was entering the water at 10 o’clock. But I also found that over time I kept exaggerating the motion until I over-corrected and my hand was actually entering wide.

Once I started filming myself weekly, I was able to dial it in and now, fingers crossed, I think I have it right. FWIW, I have an old GoPro that I attach to the side of the pool with a clip so I can do film myself without assistance. I can’t get every angle, but enough to see the many flaws in my technique.

I agree that, if you can’t get a coach, video analysis is the next best thing.

I think video is important even if you have a coach. Seeing my stroke was more useful to me than having someone tell me things. Additionally, video underwater is a view that a coach likely doesnt’ see a lot.

Here’s another perspective. Video review is highly over rated and much less effective than people imagine. Essentially you are describing a “corrective approach”: I watch you, identify a flaw, tell you about it, and you try to internalize it and fix it either directly or through targeted drilling.

My general approach to coaching swimming technique improvements is more of a process-based approach than a corrective instruction approach. I have the belief that most athletes find it exceedingly difficult to internalize verbal corrections, or “active technique” instruction - and often those who do have this ability are so gifted as to need very little of it. Neither do I attempt to teach a “correct” style – there are as many variations of the basic Australian crawl as there are body types and performance goals.

That does not mean that there are not commonalities – techniques that optimize propulsion and minimize effort – there most certainly are, but rather than focusing on a single end-goal of precise form, I strive to develop the core competencies and develop the athletes’ ability to integrate multiple competencies into a stroke that works for them.

Technical improvements, therefore, must come from a systematic and integrated set of activities that builds the core competencies of a fast swimmer in a component fashion. Once these component skills are mastered, integration of these skills into the actual swimming stroke may occur spontaneously (in contrast to verbal corrections, mastered component skills are integrated quite readily, and often unconsciously, by a majority of athletes), as a result of specific targeted activities that work to integrate various component skills with one another (i.e., a multi-component set), or by activities that serve to stimulate the athlete to integrate skills directly into the swimming stroke.

The arrangement of these activities in a carefully orchestrated, but process-based manner is what I call “passive technique”.

It’s the FIST of swim development.

can you say what you mean by popeye mouth?

Half your mouth is in the water, so you dont have to turn your head as much.


Tigerchik wrote:
can you say what you mean by popeye mouth?
Half your mouth is in the water, so you dont have to turn your head as much.

ah, thanks. I was delighted to discover on my video I keep 1 goggle in the water on one side while breathing. Still working on that on the other side, both come out

Here’s another perspective. Video review is highly over rated and much less effective than people imagine.

shrugs it was pretty darn effective for me yesterday in alleviating pain and my ability to make a change, but that was probably facilitated by a super good coach working w me on said video and my stroke.

Another benefit was seeing that my walls are getting better - I got positive reinforcement from a thing I’ve been working on, but didn’t really have a good way to measure progress aside from “I think this is maybe better?”

A couple weeks ago a friend offered to do some underwater video for me. He’s a swim coach. I told him I would absolutely take him up on that, and thought “I’m going to work on my technique for a few weeks so it looks a little better and THEN do video.”

In those few weeks I developed some shoulder pain. The technique corrections we made via today’s video might have prevented that. Also, I STILL thought my stroke looked terrible today. (My walls look ok though!!! I’ve been working on them and was proud!)

video is humbling and no matter how good you think you look, you don’t*
do video now
video is helpful
I’m lucky to have good friends
my technique is going to get so much better

*there are exceptions but this is going to apply to 99% of you

I’ve been wanting to do this for so long. I actually got a cheap used GOPRO to help. But, still have yet to get someone to video me. I feel like since I broke my collarbone in 3 places that I don’t have the same stroke with my left side that I used to. I am still working on it. Sadly, I feel like I am still trying to find my “stroke” in the water. I have been swimming more and can’t seem to settle on who I am in the pool. I hope I can get the video done sometime this month.

I know for sure that my left arm/stroke is much weaker than my right. I feel like my right side is much better and I don’t feel symmetrical at all with my left stroke.

Agree 100%.
If you are an AOS (like me) whatever you think you are doing in the water is likely not what you are actually doing.
Being able to watch a video of my stroke was enlightening (and slightly alarming), but only the first part of the puzzle. The important second half is having someone that knows what they are looking at explain to you all the things you are doing wrong and the technique items to address. This is not a one time operation, as you probably (if I’m a typical example) have multiple technique flaws and you really need to work on these one at a time. Fix a flaw, then move on and fix the next flaw, etc. I’ve been lucky enough to attend a couple of clinics 6 months apart where I was able to see the (video) of improvement of my technique - and was then given direction on the next flaw(s) to fix.
Shout out to Tim Floyd @ Magnolia Masters.

Being able to watch a video of my stroke was enlightening (and slightly alarming),

I got quite the ego check yesterday

Here’s another perspective. Video review is highly over rated and much less effective than people imagine.

shrugs it was pretty darn effective for me yesterday in alleviating pain and my ability to make a change, but that was probably facilitated by a super good coach working w me on said video and my stroke.

Another benefit was seeing that my walls are getting better - I got positive reinforcement from a thing I’ve been working on, but didn’t really have a good way to measure progress aside from “I think this is maybe better?”

Yeah, while I agree with the process approach espoused by FF above, I think there are many people on here who have the ability to make corrective changes just by watching a video. Our ability to perceive our movements in the water are imperfect so sometimes just seeing it is helpful.


Tigerchik wrote:
can you say what you mean by popeye mouth?
Half your mouth is in the water, so you dont have to turn your head as much.

ah, thanks. I was delighted to discover on my video I keep 1 goggle in the water on one side while breathing. Still working on that on the other side, both come outI have noticed that my swim is far better in a pool than open water. My form is much better because I can use the lane markers to make corrections with each stroke and even in a busy pool the water is often calmer than just average open water swimming. In a pool, I’m very good about keeping a goggle at least partially in the water. My open water swims, not so much. In fact, I’ve noticed quite a few times when my down ear is out of the water. I chalk this up to just being overly cautious of not sucking in a mouth full of water as I roll to breathe.

My $0.02 - if you want to fix your swimming, take time off run and bike and just swim for a year. It would be unlikely (not impossible) that someone could go from a 1.45min/100m swimmer to a 1.24min/100m (FOP) swimmer by just swimming 3 x 3km a week and running and biking at the same time. Those 50+ little variables take a long time to develop and incorporate into your stroke.

While for sure there are people that can achieve this, I can guarantee that the vast majority of adults who have achieved around 1:45/100m won’t be able to jump to 1:24/100m even by going pure swimmer. I’m very similar to those stats, and I’ve gone through injury periods where I swam a lot (north of 20k), videod myself every week, and did a wide variety of workout speeds, and still was barely faster than my original plateau speed. I’ve honestly never come across a perennial 1:45/100m adult swimmer who’s been stuck there for like 2+ years, suddenly go swim a ton, and come back at 1:24ish pace for the same effort. Never. Whereas I’ve def seen kids and fairly new adults swimmer improve that much, with less training.

In contrast, when I do that kind of isolated training on bike or run, the results are much more noteable. I do think it has a ton to do with the high resistance of water, and the difficulty in improving technique/drag and even fighting against suboptimal body types (people can deny it all they want but having advantageous body types in swimming is absolutely enormous. Things like large hands, long arms, short legs, and even more body fat in women, help a ton.)

I do agree that video analysis is really important and helpful, and it’s always shocking how your video does NOT look like the way you think you swim. For me, I feel mentally like I’m so smooth and non-jiggly in the water, and then on video, there’s so much more extra motion than I realized. When I improved it I was amazed how still my entire body has to be in the water to just look like it’s moving smoothly. Similarly, there seems to be almost no limit to how wide I can make my stroke - it never looks ‘too wide’ on video. Even when I’m splaying it to what feels like ridiculously wide (like farrrrr past my shoulder width), somehow on video, it looks fine, and even better than when I swim with what feels like a reach that’s ‘in-line with the shoulder’ which invariably looks too narrow.

Sad part for me though, is that at my plateaud level, the video analysis hasn’t led to meaningful speed increases. A lot of the stuff I do that looks better, either doesn’t make me go faster anymore and in fact makes me go slower. (Like looking super-smooth and still in the water, or reducing the width of my 2-beat kick so it’s nearly imperceptible, both of which slow me down a good deal, even after tons of practice - I STILL practice these things because they look so good in the water, but stopwatch don’t lie!) And the things that I want to fix the most, particularly EVF and pull path, are the hardest to fix for me. I seriously strongly suspect without the physical hard training to be able to pull at FOP+ speeds, you can’t get that pretty EVF.

The video helped me a ton with speed improvement though, in my beginner-intermediate phases of swimming. In those phases, the errors are so big but weirdly still so hard to realize until you see yourself doing it, that when you fix them, your speed goes up a lot.

This is me reviewing my last swim video session.


In contrast, when I do that kind of isolated training on bike or run, the results are much more noteable. I do think it has a ton to do with the high resistance of water, and the difficulty in improving technique/drag and even fighting against suboptimal body types (people can deny it all they want but having advantageous body types in swimming is absolutely enormous. Things like large hands, long arms, short legs, and even more body fat in women, help a ton.)

I desire the ankle flexibility of super good kickers