Glute Activation when Riding TRI Bike

Any tricks to get the glutes involved more on the tri bike? Whenever I ride it seems my quads are overworked comparitively.

First things I’ll say: what bike are you riding? What size? Have you been fit for it properly ?

I can’t say I’ve ever gotten off my bike and didn’t feel my quads more after a hard(er) ride.

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Simple answer is a professional bike fit. Your position is likely encouraging an imbalance of muscle utilization. If you previously had a bike fit, maybe the fitter didn’t hit what you needed to, maybe things changed when you became adapted to the position, or maybe there’s something more going on. Without videos/pictures or any details of your current fit and athletic abilities, everyone is just going to be throwing darts at the board.

Move the seat back (adjust height accordingly).

Or adjust height accordingly with the seat forward?