now has search by stack and reach

Hi everyone

You may have come across our site before - is a database of bike geometry that anyone can add to, now with over 6,000 bikes. We, users and brands add new bikes daily. It’s a spare-time project that’s kinda blown up.

We’ve just released a new feature: search by numbers.

Input your geometry criteria, get a list of bikes. That includes stack and reach, but also many other parameters. Details on the link.

Spoiler alert: we ask you to pay for this feature. It’s a fiver for a month’s access, and there’s an annual subscription option for fitters that includes a premium listing in our ‘find a local fitter’ database. It’s also ad-free, which might be good if you’re using with clients.

It’s here if you’re interested.

Hope it’s useful!


and a timely reminder for my renewal!

Hi everyone

I believe Tri bikes make up a big proportion (most?) of your fits, so we’ve been working on our coverage of TT and Tri bikes in the database.

We’ve also been trying to track down Pad Stack & Reach data and including it directly, or providing a link.

I think we now have 51 different, current, TT/Tri bikes amongst the 6,700 bikes now in the database.

Can I ask your help to check this google sheet?

  • what TT and Tri bikes have we missed?
  • do you have Pad S/R for any of these, and can you share it?

Feel free to edit the google sheet directly.

Of course, anyone can add and edit bikes directly on the website.

Thanks all!

Bob from