-Amazing how much attention people pay to Powercrank posts here. I wonder why?
-People often ask for “numbers” and “quantitative proof” of Powercranks benefits. Hmmm, tough for me to offer. I use them and they seem rather tough to get used to and exert a different workload on my legs and butt. I think that is good.
-on the one hand, I can’t understand why more people don’t use them. On the other hand, them being “expensive” (in the sense it takes a good chunk of money to purchase them) and “unproven” (although I think they have proved their worth to me…IMHO)are factors I think. I’d love to sell more of these… It’s a good sale :)$$$!
-On the other hand, I’m glad more people aren’t using them. When eveybody trains the same, everybody races the same. While I can’t say “So and so test results conclusively reveal a 7% performance increase” I can think to myself “I used Powercranks all winter. That guy 15 seconds up the road probably didn’t. I think I have an advantage over him…” That makes it easier for me to catch him. At least mentally.
-If there were quantifiable proof they absolutely worked, everybody (at least a lot of people) would be using some version of the product pretty quickly (i.e., like aerobars after 1987). Realistically, this may happen when some of the VERY biggest names in cycling finally reveal they ARE using Powercranks (but haven’t been able to discuss it due to some very sticky contract issues with their huge current component sponsors). Hmmm. It will be interesting to see what happens.
-In the meantime, I’m using mine…