GebioMized Saddle pressure mapping system

I’m always thinking how can I enhance my bike fitting business to provide the best possible service, I would like to get your guys feedback on the GebioMized Saddle pressure mapping system.
Pros / Cons How often you used it Do you charge extra
Thank you.

I’m always thinking how can I enhance my bike fitting business to provide the best possible service, I would like to get your guys feedback on the GebioMized pressure mapping system.
Pros / Cons How often you used it Do you charge extra
Thank you.

Do you mean for saddle, shoe- or armpad?

I have the saddle pressure mapping and use it almost on any road bike fit. It not only gives you extra information on pressure on different saddles but as well makes it certain movements of the rider more visible. Don’t charge extra for it. But to be honest our fit prices have been the same for the last 10 years. I might have to look into that :wink:

Hi Tripro

Thank you for your information, yes I’m looking at the saddle mapping.