Garmin swim data frustration / swim data editor?

What do you guys use to fix your swim data?

I have a Garmin 955 and it does not record some lengths, adds others where they should not be, does not record distance at all sometimes… I do know you have to push hard starting a lap for example, and I’m not a bad swimmer, so my strokes and turns and pushes are good. It’s the watch that just stops recording distance what bothers me most.

I already tried but it’s limited, I cannot add lengths or laps or turn “rests” into actual swim distance/time.

Garmin works well 95% of the time for me. The remaining 5% is when I change a stroke mid-lane or when I’m doing one arm drills. It doesn’t bother me anymore, it’s actually more enjoyable to swim without a watch.

It’s annoying that you can’t edit once in Garmin Connect, and no logical reason you can’t edit, but I’ve got over it. Life is too short to stress about it.

It’s annoying that you can’t edit once in Garmin Connect, and no logical reason you can’t edit, but I’ve got over it. Life is too short to stress about it.

Does any other brand of watches allow you to edit swim data afterwards?

No idea. Last non garmin I had was a polar 7??i that used the computer microphone to transfer HR data and was before gps and swim stroke / lap counting :wink:

Edit: I lie I then had a polar that used infrared to download the chainstay magnetic powermeter random numbers

I use the notes on my phone to record sessions 🙂

I don’t have a watch. Too hard for me to figure out how to use with my 1 brain cell 🤣

It’s the one positive for the wahoo elemnt rival

It’s annoying that you can’t edit once in Garmin Connect, and no logical reason you can’t edit, but I’ve got over it. Life is too short to stress about it.

Does any other brand of watches allow you to edit swim data afterwards?

There is something wrong, you should not need to edit the swim. I have used a Garmin watch for years and it only misses a lap when I do something weird. It messed up a lap yesterday because 1/3 of the way down the pool I went underwater and swam across 3 lanes then resumed my lap. Other than that it simply doesn’t mess up.

There is something wrong, you should not need to edit the swim. I have used a Garmin watch for years and it only misses a lap when I do something weird. It messed up a lap yesterday because 1/3 of the way down the pool I went underwater and swam across 3 lanes then resumed my lap. Other than that it simply doesn’t mess up.

Same. I’ve had 2 fenix watches over the last 5 years (currently a 6). I can only think of a couple of times they’ve ever messed up a swim workout (in a pool). I do use the drill function when doing drills though, so maybe that would help? Lap, always works…

mine both misses and adds laps, at random… I had to give up worrying about it as Garmin doesn’t have any way to correct.
It worked great for about 8 months, then started missing or adding laps with no pattern I can recognize.
Typically it’s not more than 1 or 2 laps out so doesn’t worry me too much.

I have a 265s and a forerunner 55 prior and both will miss lengths at random. Or really they will subtract a length after say a 500 for no apparent reason. I have an alert on the watch that vibrates when I get to 500 yards and even after a positive vibration, meaning the watch has recognized I am on my last length in a 500, I’ll hit the wall and watch as the watch figures the final time and often times it will say I only swam 475 after saying 500 for a brief moment.

Happens completely at random. Some days it’s perfect. I personally blame my terrible open turns and don’t sweat it too much, but I am not even sure that’s to blame considering how random it occurs.

The easy way out is to keep track of what Garmin misses in the swim workout, then add a “drill” segment of 10 seconds or so with the missing distance at the very end to clean up the totals.

I come from a sw background and only use a watch for totals and HR data, but never to guide a workout.

Yes, me too. I just want to have one workout with total meters in it and I don’t mind losing 50, 100, 200 meters, but this? I had a day that had to restart the watch 3 times and I did not even get the numbers on those 3 right… so… it’s annoying.

I know! but then, how am I supposed to brag in social media? lol (jk)

Yes, something must be off. I had the 945 and the 920xt before that and no issues, just a couple laps missing sometimes, nothing to worry about. But this 955 has missed recording even from the start. I could sometimes record the first say 200 and then it just stops. Or if I change to drills, and then go back, no recording.

I have contacted Garmin support, hopefully they’ll help.