Garmin Speed Sensor - Logging KM's without Zwift

After three years off with long covid symptoms, I’m slowly ready to give the bike trainer a go again. Here is my set-up:

  • Kurt Kinetic Dumb Trainer
  • Garmin Edge trip computer
  • Garmin speed and cadence sensors

I cancelled my Zwift membership a few years ago and i’m not ready to start paying monthly again. I only want to ride about 10 ~ 15min three days a week to see if my body can take it.

QUESTION: how can i log my KM’s without a program like Zwift? Will my Edge log my KM’s while indoors? Can i use some other free program on my laptop that will read my Garmin sensors like Zwift did?


If you speed sensor is connected to your back wheel, your Garmin Edge will record the ride. It should have an indoor training mode where it will turn off the GPS. Either way, I think Garmin’s by default use the speed sensor when one is present to record speed and distance over the GPS.

thanks! I thought so but it wasn’t showing up so i was second guessing myself. I tried it again and now i’m good,