GARMIN shutting down the TACX CLOUD

Hi there,

I am one of those few indoor trainer freaks who doesn’t do ZWIFT or any other online rides services. I have owned a TACX NEO sin late 2018, and a NEO 2 more recently, and for these 6 years I have always programmed my workouts on the Tacx Cloud website. An awesome site where you can (or could…) either choose power or slope to create the workout intervals really easily and fast. I began using the power option, but as you might or might not know, for a fixed power output as you get tired and decrease the pedaling cadence, the resistance increases (as Power output depends on rpm’s). So I changed to the slope option, a much natural pedaling feeling that allows you to ride in a fixed gear as you only change the slope for every interval. So far, so good for the last 6 years.
But without any previous notification, yesterday GARMIN shut down the Tacx Cloud website and prompted you to go to Garmin Connect (a much much poorer web) to create your workout, deleting all the previous workouts you ever created with no chance to export or saved them, and removing the “slope” option for creating workouts.
I hope some of you guys could feel my pain and frustration, and maybe could help me on how to send my regret to the GARMIN HQ or bosses… as I don’t understand why they did closed a service so cheap and that worked so good.

Maybe I am here alone on my freakness and I get no replies, but maybe someone can show me some light towards getting back to where I was.
Thanks anyway for just “listening”.

That’s too bad . . . I used to have a Tacx Neo and used that feature. Now I have a Wahoo Kicker and it doesn’t have an equivalent feature either.

There are a few free options I know, and a couple more I found on reddit. All require some fiddling. Figured I’d put them here and maybe folks will add some more.

Golden Cheetah
bfree (you probably need to be a programmer to script it though)

That’s too bad . . . I used to have a Tacx Neo and used that feature. Now I have a Wahoo Kicker and it doesn’t have an equivalent feature either.

Wahoo had one but they dumped it much like Garmin / Tacx.

Just hopping on here to say I’m in the same boat (haven’t used Tacx cloud as long but really liked it). Your post made me feel like I wasn’t imagining things. Appreciate your thoughts about the slope workouts, will try that once I figure out a new way to load them. Seems like our old workouts are gone except for ones in our “recents” on Garmin Connect

Do I understand correctly they’re shutting down a web based version of the software and are keeping / forcing you to use the tacx training app?
What are the features specifically that you’re missing?
(I havn’t used tacx apps in a while)

Do I understand correctly they’re shutting down a web based version of the software and are keeping / forcing you to use the tacx training app?
What are the features specifically that you’re missing?
(I havn’t used tacx apps in a while)

No, they shut down the tacx cloud, which had the drag and drop type workout builder. You could build your workouts based on power (watts or % of FTP) or slope. Apparently there’s some sort of alternative in the garmin connect web page, which, however, seems to be missing at least the option for slope based workouts completely.

It’s also quite shocking that all previous workouts have just disappeared from the tacx cloud. I had probably hundreds of workouts there (I’m also an indoor cycling coach) which don’t seem to exist anymore.

The TACX CLOUD allowed you to create workouts or rides on a very friendly and easy way. With the click of the mouse and coping & pasting blocks. You could also modify previous design workouts to create new ones really fast. And the “slope” option worked flawlessly, as the riding experience is much more realistic than when setting the Power. Riding “downhill” allows you to use bigger gears and the feeling of rolling wheels is just as good as it gets. When riding on a fixed power value, as you decrease your cadence (because you get tired, distracted, or need to stop for a moment), the resistance increases to keep up with the programmed power, as P= FxV.
The alternative Garmin Connect tool to create workouts is just so much worse and inconvenient than the TACX CLOUD.
I wonder if anyone in this forum has contacts in Garmin so they can fix this issue.