Why the hell did Garmin make the QR bike mounts a quarter turn different from the Edge bike mount?
Does any know of any easy to adjust solutions to this design issue/stupidity/lack of thought? Other than having to pull off the mount each time and rotate it? Sometimes I use my Edge, sometimes I use my 910. Just seems like they should be the same mount but someone got stupid at Garmin.
On the bright side…
I fully expected Garmin to use a different size mounting diameter and then sell an “adapter”
So at least you don’t have to buy something else.
This has been commented on / lamented pretty heavily before, and while one may exist, I have never heard a satisfactory answer.
There is no form of firing just enough for whomever was responsible for this decision at Garmin. Pure idiocy.
Grumble indeed.
I sometimes wonder if Edge and Forerunner Garmin departments even know the others exist.