Garmin issue (1)

Has anyone ever had this happen?

Today when out running, my watch was showing ridiculous pace. Sometimes it was showing between 26 & 30 min/km then sometimes zero.
when it uploaded to the connect app however, all the split average paces seemed normal.

I was running where I always run and never had this happen before. Not great if you can’t use your watch to help pace yourself.

Also, the previous run, all the data was correct (speed, distance, pace) but the map showed my finish point about a kilometre before I actually stopped (yet distance showed correctly). I really don’t know what’s happening.

Any ideas?

Sounds like an ordinary GPS glitch. I had this happen a couple of times. Once when starting the watch in downtown Chicago, with the tall buildings it couldn’t get a solid GPS lock and the pace was wacky. I wouldn’t worry about it unless it happens again. Restart the watch and make sure it is fully charged.

Sounds like an ordinary GPS glitch. I had this happen a couple of times. Once when starting the watch in downtown Chicago, with the tall buildings it couldn’t get a solid GPS lock and the pace was wacky. I wouldn’t worry about it unless it happens again. Restart the watch and make sure it is fully charged.


I’ve stopped relying on my Fenix for instantaneous pace (it’s all over the place); bit the bullet and got a Stryd pod for that.