Garmin Connect website problem

Has anyone been having problems getting into the website? I can sign in but the page keeps cycling back to the sign in page no matter what link I select, and the sign in page keeps telling me I’m already signed in.

this has been happening at least Wednesday night when thier site was temporarily down.

just checked mine works good

It has been 100% fine for me. I just came from there, and I have been there to uploading 6 training sessions since Thursday. I won’t swear, however, that I have ever logged in since then. I leave the site set to “remember me” so that I very rarely ever have to log-in.

Have you had any resolution with your problem of cycling back to the log in page? I have been having this problem for the last 3 weeks. I have been in touch with Garmin Help but so far they have been of no help! I am starting to go a bit crazy with this!

try in a different browser. i’ve had it crap out on firefox only to work fine on IE, then the opposite a few weeks later.

hhmmmm, that was a suggestion from Garmin help…I would really rather not install Firefox. I can’t believe that it the only way to make the software work?

Looks like I might have garmin connect working but it is a big security hole for Garmin! I am running IE8 and I actually have to off protected mode to get it working. This is pretty troubling. I have been talking to garmin support for over 3 weeks and they hinted at admin issues and it was actually my partner who figured it out!
Anyone else having issues?

I had to add these to my trusted sites in IE :


Then I got it to work. I went through a couple of weeks of the same BS with the Garmin tech support. Of course, I would have been fine if it not for Windows doing one of it’s updates. It makes me dream of the days when I owned a Mac.

Are you running IE8? Even when I add those settings it still doesn’t work unless I turn off the security. I wonder if they have ever tested the program with IE8 and the protected mode which is the default setting. I suspect they are not too worried about security.

I do not have a problem logging in - but at certain times, usually in the evening but not always, - once i have logged in and I click through to calender or activities I end up in someone elses calendar or list of activities.
It is very odd as all these users live near me - if i click dashboard i get back to my account.

I’m running IE8 with the security setting on Meduim high for the internet, and Medium Low on trusted sites.