Garmin 965 Multisport Auto Transition update

Has anyone tried this out yet? Where your T1 & T2 transitions accurate? Can we still use the lap button to transition if we want to?

Curious as well. My wife just told me about this. My first thought was, “how can I opt out of this”. Lol. I have a fenix 6, so not sure if this will apply to my watch or not.

Used it in an Olympic 2 weeks ago with my FR 255. I thought it worked pretty flawlessly and I never looked down at the watch and noticed I was on the wrong leg. The only thing it doesn’t do is perfectly nail your exact leg splits(but you can go back in and edit in Garmin Connect after the fact)

Here’s my Splits

Garmin 29:35 Chip 29:57

Garmin 2:44 Chip 2:05

Garmin 1:05:29 Chip 1:05:51

Garmin 0:40 Chip 1:19

Garmin 54:33 Chip 54:28

Garmin 2:33:41 Chip 2:33:41

Thanks for sharing. I appreciate it. Nice to know that you can go back in and edit if need be. Have a great race season!

How does it know, for example, where T2 ends and your run begins?

I recently used the automatic mode and T2 was off from official results due to me starting to run through transitions. The other splits were amazing close to official results. Swim was a little off also because timing mat was about 40 feet from water edge.

Curious as well. My wife just told me about this. My first thought was, “how can I opt out of this”. Lol. I have a fenix 6, so not sure if this will apply to my watch or not.

I have the 6 also. It actually asks you when you go into triathlon mode if you want to use it or not. Your start button would be the accept option and the down arrow (on left) would be your cancel button, so you remain in manual mode.

I like having the manual option.

Curious as well. My wife just told me about this. My first thought was, “how can I opt out of this”. Lol. I have a fenix 6, so not sure if this will apply to my watch or not.

I have the 6 also. It actually asks you when you go into triathlon mode if you want to use it or not. Your start button would be the accept option and the down arrow (on left) would be your cancel button, so you remain in manual mode.

I like having the manual option.

Interesting. I had a sprint in April, never saw the option. My watch is still working in manual mode, so all is good. Thanks for sharing!

I used it at Oceanside it was all wrong. My swim was close but it didn’t correctly record T1 and then did manage another close effort for my bike split. However, it recorded most of my run as a really long T2. So I tried again at St. George and this time it did a much better job and was very close to all my timed splits. Fun fact, while I was climbing Snow Canyon towards the steepest section near the top, I was moving so slowly that it thought I was in T1 and auto-lapped. But then about 30 seconds later it realized I was still on the bike and just resumed the bike timer without missing any data. I thought that was pretty cool.

The option popped up when I selected a multisport just before Gulf Coast 70.3. I had no idea how it worked, but I enabled it on a whim. It worked perfectly. Based on the GPS path, it exactly nailed the transitions where I would have pushed the buttons.

The only issue I need to sort out is that I had a little orange box with “0:00” in it during the run. It covered the bottom field in my data screens. I presume there was something I needed to push to make it go away, but it was my first time using it.