Garmin 910 Fail

Raced for the first time with my Garmin 910 at Alcatraz this weekend. I have a good GPS track for the swim (or at least a good reading of a bad swim track), then nothing for the bike or run. The watch recorded each segment, including my speed, but did not record a GPS track or distance. My first thought was that I must have lost the satellite connection. If that is the case, how did it log my speed? Was this user error? I was in Auto Multisport, excluded transitions, and hit “Lap” at each segment.

I think the first issue is that you raced somewhere in Africa, not San Francisco.

I kid… but replied so that I can hear what happened so it doesn’t happen to me.

Weird. I mean on the bike it could have been getting your speed from a rear wheel sensor (unless you don’t have one), but that still wouldn’t explain the run.

I’m gonna chalk this one up to a textbook case of the personal problems…

I heard about elevation problems… but not this! I wonder what Garmin techsupport said.

What software version are you running?

I am still on 2.4, too afraid to upgrade. I heard some people were having issues with the multisport switching through, but can’t recall the version etc.

could you post links to all 3 files? It might help.

cadence sensor on the bike and foot pod on your shoe will give speed/pace and distance. If you dont have those then who knows???

cadence sensor on the bike and foot pod on your shoe will give speed/pace and distance. If you dont have those then who knows???
There is no cadence sensor, or it would show up under details.

could you post links to all 3 files? It might help.


Note the GPS track on the swim (which sucked…I was headed for Japan!), then nothing.


PS - I just noticed the bike track starts in North America and ends in Africa.

cadence sensor on the bike and foot pod on your shoe will give speed/pace and distance. If you dont have those then who knows???

Nope…no cadence sensor on the bike and no foot pod on my shoe.

I think the first issue is that you raced somewhere in Africa, not San Francisco.

According to the Garmin track, I rode my bike there.

Mine fogs up terribly and that’s without ever taking it in the pool. Besides not being able to see it, it’s great!
Can’t imagine what sort of big company crappy service Im in for dealing with them!

I wonder what Garmin techsupport said.

Apparently this was a pervasive problem with versions prior to 2.7. Basically, the Multi-Sport mode drops the GPS elevation and distance when transitioning from swimming to another sport. Which seems like a big deal for a multi-sport device.

Version 2.7 was supposed to be the fix. Of course, I am running 2.7. They have seen a few cases where the bug is embedded in the device and version 2.7 does not correct the problem. The solution there to run a Master Reset of the device. They are sending me instructions for the Master Reset, and will await my feedback before closing the ticket.

Oh, and my race data is not recoverable. Other than that, it’s all good!


Can’t imagine what sort of big company crappy service Im in for dealing with them!

They were actually pretty good. Just spent 20 minutes on the phone with customer service, and didn’t have to wait more than a minute for a rep. But the rubber will meet the road when I see if the fix actually fixes the problem.

Interesting. I had something similar happen to me about a month ago. It was just during training, a swim then run, and I wanted to test out the multisport feature. I did include a “T1” just to see what would happen.

During the swim, my GPS seemed to go a bit goofy. It showed me doing a weird loop on the way out, then halfway back, it totally stopped tracking. It was a clear day, the water was calm, so I don’t know what the issue was. I did feel the watch vibrate a few times which may have been that it lost GPS signal.

After my insanely long 23 minute T1, I started running and noticed the only fields that were working was the timer and current pace. Distance and average pace were displaying a blank. I also got no data except for time on the run…and that supposedly I guess I swam to Africa as well.

I wasn’t so concerned about the swim data…as I didn’t get the watch to track my swim times. But I was concerned that the run portion was screwed up. In all my other runs with the watch (not in multisport mode), the watch has worked flawlessly.

I’ve been too lazy to retest it, but now that I’ve seen someone else with the problem, I’ll probably give it another try.

Swim -
Run -

I wonder what Garmin techsupport said.

Apparently this was a pervasive problem with versions prior to 2.7. Basically, the Multi-Sport mode drops the GPS elevation and distance when transitioning from swimming to another sport. Which seems like a big deal for a multi-sport device.

Version 2.7 was supposed to be the fix. Of course, I am running 2.7. They have seen a few cases where the bug is embedded in the device and version 2.7 does not correct the problem. The solution there to run a Master Reset of the device. They are sending me instructions for the Master Reset, and will await my feedback before closing the ticket.

Oh, and my race data is not recoverable. Other than that, it’s all good!


Thanks for the info. I’ll try the master reset. I went to 2.6 when I first got the watch, and later went to 2.7 before I had my issue.

Last spring, I had a run register a stray GPS point somewhere off the coast of Liberia as well. I’m sure, if you look at the raw data, you will find there is just a single stray point somewhere in the data. Remove the stray data point, and you should be fine…

Um, your first mistake was buying a Garmin 910. I have been so frustrated with this watch. Real time run pace is non-existent and it currently serves as the most expensive stop watch I have ever purchased. The 310 is back in service with no problems. I haven’t use the 910 in 6 mos. Until I hear that all the quirks have been worked out, it is gathering dust.

And, apparently, the quirks haven’t been worked out.

I have heard others with similar complains, but I have to say I use mine all the time - Runs, Bikes, Swims, and love it and have no such issues. There is certainly a short lag in the run pace, but I find it to be pretty accurate.

I would be happy to buy yours if you want to sell it. My wife would love one too.

message me if you want to sell it

Yeah, mine shows me at 26,000’, but all of the other functions work as advertised. It worked fine for several months and then the barometric altimeter just flaked out about 3 weeks ago. I filled out a questionnaire that Garmin sent me and gave them several files to examine last week. I haven’t heard back from them yet.