I picked up a new Garmin 800 and for the life of me I can’t get the unit to “Display” average cadence on the head unit.
It’s picking it up as once I upload the workout to Garmin Connect or Strava the info is there…just not displaying it on the head unit.
Am I missing something simple?
It should be there as an available data field.
I have the Average Cadence data field showing on the head unit as a screen display choice…just the display is not showing any info (blank)…although it’s picking up the info since it shows in Garmin Connect. I’m running my 310XT sis by side and it displays on the 310XT - not that this really matters…
Whoa, odd glitch.
Is your firmware up to date? If so, contact garmin. They will probably tell you to do a hard reset.