Game of Thrones speculation thread

What are the chances that Sam learns how Shireen was cured of greyscale, and Jorah gets cured by him? Too pat for GoT?

Do we actually know how she got cured? Have read all the books and seen all the TV episodes but honestly can’t remember anything specific!

Do we actually know how she got cured? Have read all the books and seen all the TV episodes but honestly can’t remember anything specific!

Stannis brought in every maester he could find, and eventually she was cured. Whether they determined what exactly cured her, I don’t know. I just thought it was an interesting way to tie things together.

What are the chances that Sam learns how Shireen was cured of greyscale, and Jorah gets cured by him? Too pat for GoT?
Dragon fire will be the cure. His body will be 90% covered and then he’ll stand in front a dragon and poof! Cured!

I thought the greyscale that affects children and the greyscale affecting Jorah are technically 2 different things. Many children survive greyscale and become immune to the deadly kind, but are disfigured.

EDIT: From A Wiki of Ice and Fire:

Greyscale generally affects children, especially in cold damp climates. The afflicted flesh stiffens, calcifies, and cracks. The victims are disfigured, but also rendered immune to the rarer fatal form and to the grey plague. The free folk consider people who survive greyscale unclean, and prefer to euthanize them rather than take the chance that they may live to infect others.
The mortal form of greyscale begins by affecting the extremities, noticeable only by a blackened fingertip or loss of sensation. As numbness creeps up a person’s arms or legs, the flesh stiffens and grows cold, and the victim’s skin will turn grey, resembling stone. Blindness is common when the stone reaches the face, and the tongue and lips turn to stone. In the final stages, the curse turns inward, affecting muscles, bones, and inner organs. Although the disease is supposedly not painful, near the end, all victims go mad.

So I wonder if the cures would be the same.

First, I wonder if that wiki info is just speculation by the fanbase, or did all that detail info come from Martin. It could all be wiki wrong info.

Second, regardless of what wiki says, the show version does not have to follow it and have re interpreted how things work to suit their needs and story line.


I don’t know the answer to the first question. There are citations to the books for most of those “facts” but I can’t confirm that is what the books actually say. I am a little late to the GOT train, and have not read much of the books.

True, tv doesn’t have to follow books.

What are the chances that Sam learns how Shireen was cured of greyscale, and Jorah gets cured by him? Too pat for GoT?

Nailing it.

What are the chances that Sam learns how Shireen was cured of greyscale, and Jorah gets cured by him? Too pat for GoT?

Nailing it.

Good Call

What are the chances that Sam learns how Shireen was cured of greyscale, and Jorah gets cured by him? Too pat for GoT?

Nailing it.

Sure are.

Great (and gross) transition last night from a closeup of Sam removing the greyscale with all the pus oozing out, to the juice flowing from the pie crust as Arya prepared to take a bite.

What are the chances that Sam learns how Shireen was cured of greyscale, and Jorah gets cured by him? Too pat for GoT?

Nailing it.

The show needs that to happen. Sam is awesome and the show needs some light.

Anyone else love it when Prince Pirate King kicked all the ass?

Very intense episode last night. You knew that Euron and Yara would cross paths at some point, but even still that was a pretty wild battle scene; Theon morphed back into Reek but I can’t imagine that’s the last we’ll see of him treading water among the wreckage (maybe Gendry rows by and picks him up?). I have to think that Varys tipped them off after the opening confrontation with Dany - Euron could very well have been heading towards Dragonstone anyway but it seemed too coincidental to just have them show up and attack, and also take Ellaria as “the gift”.

I thought Arya was going to encounter White Walkers when her horse was spooked and you could suddenly see her breath. She had the best line in the episode when she was at the inn talking to Hot Pie: “You’ve been baking pies?” “One or two”.

It was a little strange at first to see many of the characters from the different storylines throughout the series finally come together. I joked to my wife during Dany’s strategy meeting that is like a meeting of the Justice League.

First, I wonder if that wiki info is just speculation by the fanbase, or did all that detail info come from Martin. It could all be wiki wrong info.

Second, regardless of what wiki says, the show version does not have to follow it and have re interpreted how things work to suit their needs and story line.


Aren’t the writers in uncharted territory as far as storyline goes, anyway? I mean, given that George Martin hasn’t gotten this far in his books? Is that true? And if so, like you say; they can pretty much write anything they’d like at this point.

Great (and gross) transition last night from a closeup of Sam removing the greyscale with all the pus oozing out, to the juice flowing from the pie crust as Arya prepared to take a bite.

The spousal unit gagged a little at that point, because she thought it was Jorah Mormont’s flesh, at first. That was great. :wink:

Anyone else love it when Prince Pirate King kicked all the ass?

Man, did he. He took those two Sand Snakes down without too much trouble and he snatched up Yara Greyjoy SNAP! Just like that. And sent Theon running (or swimming, as the case may be) for his life. He’s a fairly dangerous sort, boys. :wink:

Everyone who watched it with me we mad because I kept yelling, “Chaos maker!” I’ve had my fill of unsexy sex and courtly politics. "You will swear your life to my fancy map or my midget shall eat you. "

Everyone who watched it with me we mad because I kept yelling, “Chaos maker!” I’ve had my fill of unsexy sex and courtly politics. "You will swear your life to my fancy map or my midget shall eat you. "

Yeah, that scene was some full-on blood-and-guts pirate stuff, right there. At first, I thought we were going to get more Yara-the-lesbo nattering, which is getting a little boring at this point, but we were soon disabused of that notion.

Last night was the first episode that my wife felt they trod too close to at least softcore porn, by the way. In that scene between Grey Worm and Missandei. I asked her what version of GoT she’d been watching over the seasons? :wink: