FuelBelt Helium users?

Question for all helium users out there. I have been using one for about a month now and am wondering if there is any point at which the elastic straps that hold the bottles stretch out a bit. Mine seem to be REALLY snug and a bit of a pain to get the bottles in and out of. Maybe this is normal? I love the belt, it feels great, stays put, and is super comfortable. Just the bottle issue. I have the 4 bottle system as well.

Thanks for the input.

I have been using mine for about a year, still pretty tight. I think that is an intentional design feature. It is far less annoying for them to be tight than loose. I used an older fuel belt for a while as well, and the holders stayed tight on that one too.

I am sure at some point they will loosen, but after a year of probably once a week use (only on long runs) mine are still tight.

Probably not quite a year yet, but, mine are still very tight. Much better than being loose.

I bought a Nathan belt and never used my Helium again, for that very reason. When I’m a few hours into a trail run, little things like fumbling with the bottles is a major hassle.


Is it ever kind of awkward for you to reach the bottles as well. I was running this evening and i usually run with the belt off center so that my thighs don’t bump the bottles every stride. But then i thought maybe moving the belt placed a greater emphasis on “reaching” for the bottles and haveing to fumble with getting them in and out.

I agree that i’d much rather have them tight than loose so i figured i’d ask the community.


Ditto that. The Nathan holsters are much nicer.