Fuel Belt During IM Run

Is it worth wearing a waistband for carrying liquids or do you just grab drinks from the stations along the way?

I typically carry a 24 oz bottle (w/100 calories) in my hand coming out of T-2 and pick up another 20 oz or 24 oz bottle with 100 calories in when I make it to special needs bag.

I’ve never used a waistband (or fuel belt) in any race … but I may start using it during my long runs and test it out before my next IM race this fall. After I exhaust the bottle I’m carrying in my hand, I hit the aid stations and grab drinks. For the first time ever (IM LP two weeks ago), I was able to actually run through the aid stations and grab drinks without stopping and drink them. Half of them went up my nose … but I “sucked it up” and kept going.

the only reason to wear one of these if if you found out you were alergic to gatoraid

Why weigh yourself down with excess junk unless your tied to a specific drink that you always use on the run. Aid stations every mile should suffice anyone.

Gatorade is no longer served, it’s IM Perform and at LP, a lot of people were wishing they had what they trained with.

It depends entirely upon your needs. I don’t carry one for HIMs but I am planning on wearing one for IMC. I like to mix my gu gels with water so that they go down a lot easier plus I don’t have mess with the wrappers.

I saw a guy wearing a fuel belt during the 10km run at the London Triathlon yesterday, WTF? I can go with the alergic to Gatorade angle but there was also well publicised water stations on the run.

Gatorade is no longer served, it’s IM Perform and at LP, a lot of people were wishing they had what they trained with.

I tried Perform during my build to LP, and found it didn’t sit well in my stomach. I used a fuel belt for the marathon at LP, and carried my gatorade, as well as 3 GU vanilla beans, since I can’t stand powerbar gel’s either. I don’t think the extra weight slowed me down- I ran a 3:36.

the only reason to wear one of these if if you found out you were alergic to gatoraid

The current IM World Champ might disagree with you.