Prices on the Desoto stuff and versions?
Price for the Conti 4000?
Prices on the Desoto stuff and versions?
Price for the Conti 4000?
Price for DA pedals?
Price for the Shimano TR51 shoes?
where at in Chicago?
Lakeview, interested in details on Felt, and Fluid Trainer
I’ll take the Microtex tape. Let me know where to send PayPal.
Did you ever sell the Desoto Tri bib? If not, I’m interested.
prices? Patagonia and Burton stuff?
How much do you want for the P90X DVD’s?
Would you split up the New Balance NBX 5" Run Shorts. Men’s Medium. Black/Red? I would take 2 pairs…
PM on craft stuff
condition and color of down jacket? Thanks
PM’d on shorts
I’m not sure what your experience has been with “Blowouts!” in “Run Shorts!”…
but mine have been such that your advertising headline is a bit… offputting?
Still have the tires?
What size are the board shorts?