FS: Garmin Rally XC200 Power Pedals

What model are the cassettes (i.e. Ultegra, Dura Ace, etc)?

Which version is the Apple TV? Maybe interested. Thanks.

The 11x28 is an Ultegra CS-6700.

The 12x25 is an Ultegra CS-6600.

Which version is the Apple TV? Maybe interested. Thanks.

First gen for the AppleTV.


Are the cassettes new? If not how many miles?

Are the cassettes new? If not how many miles?

Cassettes are used. Best guess on mileage is around 1,000. Stopped using them when I switched my bikes over to 11 speed.

Bump with some price reductions.

Garmin 235 and 11-28 cassette sold.

Bump with some price drops.

Bump … anyone need a swimskin for the upcoming tri season?

Update to remove newly sold items from list.

Bump to add Garmin 935 to the sale list.

Is the swim skin still available?

Is the swim skin still available?

Yes, the Blue Seventy PZ3 swimskin is still available. Send me a PM if you’re interested.

Bump to add books.

Bump for some items that have been sold and added something I’m looking for.

Bump to add Wahoo cadence sensor.

Edit for free + postage cassette.

PMed re cassette.