From a push how far can you glide on top of the water?

Glide on top of the water

No kick no arm stroke
Face down no breathing

From a push off the wall arms out front how far do you go?

Another way to see it how many pushes do you need to go across a 25 yard or meter pool?

push off face down
Hold as straight a body line as you can
When forward progress stops stand up
Take a breath
Push off again

Repeat until you touch the other end

I have a theory that this may be one of the main causes of slow vs faster swimming

The strength/skill to maintain a straight and taught body line

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I definitely agree this is so important to being able to hold a good position in the body. I dont know how many pushes I need to get across, but I will do this next time I go to the pool.

Also watch the YT videos where they dive off the blocks, and some can get to 20m on a pure glide. Imagine how good it would feel to swim if your body could move through the water like that.

The other thread is talking a lot about strength, and the ability to hold the arm in the right position, which requires lots of flexibility, in the glide phase, is also a really important strength element. Not just the strength of pulling water.



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After pushing off the wall you glide as far as you can

Stand up

Push off the bottom of the pool
Glide as far as you can

Repeat until you reach the other end of the pool

Same as swimming one length but with you kicking and no strokes

Ah okay.

I just did one push off the wall, stood up and swam the rest.

12.5m for the wall push. FWIW.would need to use the training pool for the whole thing.

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Great effort.

I got my head above the 12.5m line as well.

Think I could do a bit more and get 14-15 if I practice it

Yea I also swam the rest.

My local is too deep to easy touch the bottom and then do another push


What if you push off at the deep end and glide to the shallow end and then do the next push off. Part of this is also related to the “thrust” of that initial push and how quickly you go from the high drag squatting position (think breast stroke kick) to streamline?

I have a theory that my swim has gone downhill fast this year because of my lumbar disk challenges. Literally my body wants to stay in the compressed psoas aero position. The proof for me is when I swim with “floaty fins” and my feet are high, I get some back discomfort. Also when I go to sleep, if I lie on my stomach I have some back discomfort for several minutes until my body “unfolds”. Sucks gettting older but I think I am in a permanent folded position that is not helping my streamline of late. At least that is my theory because my cardio actually does not feel that bad on the bike (at least not bad enough for my >15 second decline on a 200IM

Yes I will have another go, but it is not as shallow as some of the 25 pools up your way. It is one that is a 50m and while deep (2m??) at one end, shallow at one end.

Ah shame to hear about your back. How is your flexibility in your hamstrings etc? I likewise grabbed one of those ‘kick pull’ things the other day to do a few laps of kick and got bored of going so slow so did a bit of pull with it. Felt too high in the water, used to swim with a pb all the time but been over it the last few years. Wont go near one.

So I can get to 12.5m on one push, go down and then do another push and I can get within the flags but not quite to the T. I played around with how much air I was taking in on my push off. A funny feeling : expelling all air and then doing a push off. I kept going forward but kept sinking as well. I will actually try that from the deep end, to see if I can go further on that descending angle where I wont hit the bottom as soon

I’m also into stroke per length at the moment - do you use a tempo trainer at all? Here is a TI article about stroke count which I enjoyed reading

What’s YOUR best stroke count: How I found mine. And why it’s still evolving | Total ImmersionTotal Immersion

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Sounds like you are having fun with it very cool

Thank you for the link I will check it out

having fun or looking funny - i am not sure which!

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I understand.

Superman drill; yes this is a good one I hear. I suck at it, but I’m working on it.