Frickin' Hillarious

Very funny (but very true):

I feel so ashamed of looking for a new bike now…

Very funny

Funny… Watch these philosophers turn this into a racial, political, America sucks thread :wink:

Who does this “Coach Tilis” think he/she is? Some freak’n small ass elitist athlete? Good luck being a coach if you don’t have any body to coach if all s/he will take is prime time athletes, with .03% body fat. S/he must be some kind of “radical republican type” Blue State hypocrit that HATES what America stands for… FAST FOOD… and the type of people that eat there…

Anyways, giuseppe, you must be psycic (sp?).



Who does this “Coach Tilis” think he/she is? Some freak’n small ass elitist athlete? Good luck being a coach if you don’t have any body to coach if all s/he will take is prime time athletes, with .03% body fat. S/he must be some kind of “radical republican type” Blue State hypocrit that HATES what America stands for… FAST FOOD… and the type of people that eat there…

Anyways, giuseppe, you must be psycic (sp?).

Chris I think you have the republicans mixed up w/ the democrats. The democrats are the ones that hate fast food and the eaters thereof. I am a republican and love fast food. MMMMMMMMMMMMMM egg Mcmuffin

Typical post from you guys. You completely took his article out of context. I’m not excusing the way he wrote it but there is some truth to it. Cut the guys some slack, english is not his first language and apparently he is not going to post to defend himself so I’ll do it for him.

Coach Tilis is a first class douchebag. I would like to slap a rear naked choke on him, then stuff a snickers bar into his mouth after he has gone into dreamland.

I resent(resemble) that remark about the 19mph average. I average that on a very good day! But I only ride a $1000 bike! It is pretty fun, though!

KY(not so)Rocket

wouldn’t you love to see that as the copy in a bike ad?

Typical post from someone who doesn’t have a sense of humor or cannot read sarcasm. Read the post above mine and then mine again. Duh!

Plus, the author himself or herself or whatever meant it to be sarcastic, but I think this skipped over you too?


LOL. Thats funny. I picked up on the sarcasm in the previous post and was being sarcastic and having fun playing along. So I guess your the one without the sense of humor. BTW I was playing off of Fulla’s African American thread.

sorry my sarcasm is not as good as yours

:slight_smile: but a sarcastic :slight_smile:


and the truth shall set you free! finally… some sense on this forum

where’s the love in the world anymore? i love cheesburgers, fries, krispy kreme, beer, being a poser…

What races has Bauer done?

Just curios, to see what his bike splits are, and swim etc.

lol…I thought it was pretty funny. See it all the time, just the other day in fact, on my commute home, passed a guy full disco kit, custom carbon/ti seven, rocket 7 shoes, oval bars, etc etc, you know the works. He rolled at a stop light after I passed him…looked and my bike, went, “HUH!”, shook his head and looked away.

I got no problem with buying uber gear, but when you act like a dick, your a poser in my book, when I passed him before he was averaging about 11mph, on a flat, and he was trying pretty hard. Save the money on the bike and use it on a personal trainer dude!


I believe that the author’s identity adds an element of stealth humor.

I laughed my ASS off!!! If in fact (and I choose to believe it is) it is intended to be a sarcastic bit of prose, then it hit the mark. I highly doubt that anyone who is a coach would intentionally alienate and or exclude his potential client base.

That being said , it reminds me of a conversation I used to have with my old boss (former collegiate swimmer @ Cal Poly who placed top 15 in Hawaii in the late 80’s). He used to tell me as I flipped thru the pages of Triathlon Times (pre Inside Triathlon publication) drooling at the then brand new QR Kilo and Superform, “Mikey my boy, quit wishing for a new bike and go ride uphill for an hour and a half! When I was your age we didn’t have aerobars, Powerbars, Cytomax, or any of that other crap! We just trained…HARD! All you need is some ‘leaded’ Coca-Cola, Mountain Dew, Snickers, a PB&J and some desire”. For the record he was a “retired” pro who rode a mid-80’s Cannondale with 7 speed Dura-Ace, no aerobars and he was still faster than 98.5% of the guys in a city with a population of 400,000. Is it any surprise that “the Big 4” all came from swimming backgrounds? Many swimmers enter tri with training philosophies that they learned early in life from one of their swim club coaches, PILES OF MILES = SUCCESS!

Miguel in the 'No…El Tribato

If it’s not about the bike, then why do bike companies spend so much $ on full page ads? Oh you mean it’s because they know I’m willing to spend money I don’t have on things I don’t need that won’t help me go any faster until I lose these last 5 lbs?! ok, 10 lbs! :slight_smile: