FORM Swim Straight

So I tried their new Swim Straight feature on Saturday at Oceanside and found it very easy to use and effective. It can be used while OWS with or without a Garmin. I do pair my V1 goggles to my watch for OWS to see pace, time, and distance data and that appears above and below the compass in smaller font size. After a very short calibration the compasss appears on the display. I looked at the first turn buoy and noted where in degrees it was approximately. Then with my head down and swimming I kept that number below the center arrow. The googles do prompt you to sight after about 15-20 seconds as a reminder to verify your position. I have attached my Garmin file from my swim last year, the blue line, and this years effort, the red line. I think it worked great. The return leg is straight into a blinding sun so it’s really hard to see anything but I picked what I thought was the general direction of the famous red turn buoy that you round on your right and so many people miss, including the lead kayaker and front pro’s this year initially.

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I one hundred percent do not need this. For reference, an earlier investigation.

In all seriousness, thanks for the post. This is tech pretty far beyond my needs, but it does seem very cool.** **

Thanks and I should add this year’s swim was much more crowded than last year, possibly making getting off course more difficult!

I spoke to the Form guys a few years ago before they were working on open water. My suggestion was a simple - look at the point you want to swim to - press a button. Then just a "red yellow green light"on each side to show on course, slightly off course, not on course. Adjust as need on the swim. Set the “degrees off course” for each light to something reasonable. 5 degrees, 10, 15 whatever.

I have not tested the goggles - do you think that kind of system would be easier to use?

Well the current goggles display is in yellow, I don’t think they can do colors currently. Perhaps flashing lights wound be too distracting for some. Simply watching the compass numbers swing back and forth and keeping a selected number dead center was easy and sort of a fun game that made the swim feel like it went by faster. I swam 31 in 2923, 32 this year but I attribute that to the extreme congestion I encountered,.

If your eye sight is not good can you still read the numbers?

it would appear that this years swim was a bit longer but at the same time i can not see a big change . there is a lot of lines where you swan just a straight or even better last year and only before the 3rd buoy did you do better than last year but without those 150 m or so one would almost say you sighted better last year. so i cant really see the change you claim. i think its too close to say that the watch made really any difference yet .
if we look as this from an evidence based approach, the clear answer is further research is necessary.
still thanks for posting as it is interesting.

can i ask you do you think you gave up some time because you focused more on compass than on stroke
or do you think you actually it was the other way round.

What was the distance difference between the two years? I’m looking forward to using my V1 with the SwimStraight.

very interested in these regarding the swim straight feature. Each time after rounding a buoy do you need to stop and reset your line with the goggles?

If your eye sight is not good can you still read the numbers?

I have heard that for some that is an issue.

it would appear that this years swim was a bit longer but at the same time i can not see a big change . there is a lot of lines where you swan just a straight or even better last year and only before the 3rd buoy did you do better than last year but without those 150 m or so one would almost say you sighted better last year. so i cant really see the change you claim. i think its too close to say that the watch made really any difference yet .
if we look as this from an evidence based approach, the clear answer is further research is necessary.
still thanks for posting as it is interesting.

can i ask you do you think you gave up some time because you focused more on compass than on stroke
or do you think you actually it was the other way round.

Agreed 100%. That’s why I mentioned the swim was so crowded it would have been hard to go off course very much as I was so boxed in. I think in concept and execution, it works as advertised but is that “beneficial” will be swimmer dependent. No, I was having to negotiate around so many people and I hit some folks and got hit so that was more an interruption to my stroke. If anything that ade it harder to just watch the compass. In clear water I really enjoyed it and it wasn’t effecting my swim pace, as far as I can tell from this albeit brief experince.

What was the distance difference between the two years? I’m looking forward to using my V1 with the SwimStraight.

I had 2063 yards last year and 2098 this year based on the Garmin GPS data, which is always a tad suspect in the water.

very interested in these regarding the swim straight feature. Each time after rounding a buoy do you need to stop and reset your line with the goggles?

Correct, I would look for the next buoy and make a mental note on the degree direction and swim towards that. You don’t stop, you just sight as normal.

OnCourse have been doing the openwater navigation for i think around 5 years now…without the monthly subscription of Form. I have no skin in either game - just a user of OnCourse and it irks me Form are suggesting they are first to market with the navigation

Hey very interesting, thanks for sharing and making the post.

OnCourse have been doing the openwater navigation for i think around 5 years now…without the monthly subscription of Form. I have no skin in either game - just a user of OnCourse and it irks me Form are suggesting they are first to market with the navigation

I was thinking of upgrading and having to pay for that feature is a non starter for me. Coaching makes sense, but this doesn’t.

OnCourse have been doing the openwater navigation for i think around 5 years now…without the monthly subscription of Form. I have no skin in either game - just a user of OnCourse and it irks me Form are suggesting they are first to market with the navigation

Who wants to press a button on their goggle to lock in their course?

Having a compass that gives you a bearing is great. Just sight and note that the goggle bearing of eight degrees lines up with your target and try to hold that direction.

I love that idea.

I feel like I’m often taking a bad line so this product is interesting. Not so interested in a subscription though.