Form goggles. Did you get faster?

Can anyone here share their improvement with Form goggles?
I’ve been stuck swimming at 2min/100m and cannot join any master swim class due to my work schedule.
Really would like to go faster than that in half and full distance.

Do you think this will help lower my swim split?

Thanks all!

P.S. also looking for discount code if you know any. Much appreciated!


Are you wearing jammers or briefs

Are you wearing jammers or briefs

I love my form goggles. But no, they don’t magically make you faster.

For me, answer is actually yes. I’m getting faster.

Not because they are magic or anything, but as someone who always swims alone it’s just make swimming more enjoyable. And it keeps me from getting lazy and stretching out rest intervals.

And more enjoyable means I swim more often and for longer sets. Yeah, mostly points to my own shortcomings in the water that many may not struggle with, but hey it helped.

I got a used pair and just started trialing the workouts. I think the biggest difference will be the rest intervals. I didn’t swim on a team and can very much persuade myself I need more rest than I actually do. The structure seems really easy to follow.

I got a used pair and just started trialing the workouts. I think the biggest difference will be the rest intervals. I didn’t swim on a team and can very much persuade myself I need more rest than I actually do. The structure seems really easy to follow.

Same here, if you asked me even last year if 15 sec was enough between hard 50s or 100s I’d probably have said yes to sound cool then thought “no way” as I stood there for 30 seconds until I could breathe (too) easily again.

Did **they **make me faster? Probably not - but they definitely are the sole reason I’m able to improve my swim - gained 30secs per 100m since swimming with them.

I wouldn’t swim in the pool without them now. I would say of all the ‘tech’ I’ve purchased over the past 4 years doing triathlon, even with the 15$ monthly fee - they are the best purchase I’ve made.

An hour’s workout goes so fast now with my workout clearly shown to me, no more slacking, if I’m midway through a spilt I’m starting to lag I’m told the pace on the next turn - so can give myself a talking too and pick it up. Swimming with my Garmin I would only know at the end of the interval I was too slow.

With the integration with TrainingPeaks - its been a game changer for me. I can do really complex workouts from my coach and not have to remember what’s up next.

Do it, do it now.

As to discounts - in the EU - they are at -30% at the moment which is a steal. At 179e.

For USD - the ‘The Triathlon Hour’ podcast code HTT15 for 15% off.

Swim video analysis will make you much faster, sooner, than goggles will especially swimming the pace at which you’re swimming. Instead of buying goggles, buy a GoPro and instead of spending $15 for a monthly subscription, send your video into a coach.

I wish this would work with use in an Endlesspool that is not supported by FORM. Or did anyone figure this out already?

I wish this would work with use in an Endlesspool that is not supported by FORM. Or did anyone figure this out already?

I think the issue with endless pools is the goggles don’t get a ‘turn’ motion to detect the end of a lap - they have no sense of distance apart from you telling them the length of the pool and then how long it takes between ‘turn’ motions which is why you can’t get live pace in a pool either.

You need your endless pool to have a screen on the floor in front of you :slight_smile:

Indeed that’s the problem! But just the screen on the floor won’t be enough for doing structured workouts from Trainingpeaks. It needs input on distance to go from step to step in the workout.

Swim video analysis will make you much faster, sooner, than goggles will especially swimming the pace at which you’re swimming. Instead of buying goggles, buy a GoPro and instead of spending $15 for a monthly subscription, send your video into a coach.

But this doesn’t work for those of us who swim by ourselves. I haven’t found a way to video myself when swimming.

There is no $15/month subscription required anymore. If your coach puts your workouts in TP, they’ll still work on the goggles.

You can buy tripods, clips, etc for Go Pros to make good videos on your own. That being said, I’ve swam in Form goggles, and I love them.

Swim video analysis will make you much faster, sooner, than goggles will especially swimming the pace at which you’re swimming. Instead of buying goggles, buy a GoPro and instead of spending $15 for a monthly subscription, send your video into a coach.

But this doesn’t work for those of us who swim by ourselves. I haven’t found a way to video myself when swimming.

There is no $15/month subscription required anymore. If your coach puts your workouts in TP, they’ll still work on the goggles.

I don’t have anyone to video me either. I use a tripod my iPhone a $50 phone case from Amazon and a suction cup that takes care of above water and below water filming.

I’m not using form goggles but what I have done recently is setup my garmin watch to display interval pace. I look at pace on every flip turn and it does a great job of keeping me honest in my workout. My CSS has dropped by about 10 seconds to 1:31 per 100 yds since I started doing intervals by pace zone and checking my interval pace every turn.

I would imagine that form goggles would do the same thing with more convenience.

I didn’t go with form goggles because their workouts don’t involve pace at all. If their workouts would tell me the pace I should be going based on my CSS, then I would buy it in a heartbeat.

They made me faster only because of this… I can set my watch to ring after I hit 1000m and check the time. I start of at the goal pace, but over time feel I am getting comfortable at that effort but really I am slowing down. The goggles make me ensure I am on pace by me having to pick up it up when I am slowing down.

I got a used pair and just started trialing the workouts. I think the biggest difference will be the rest intervals. I didn’t swim on a team and can very much persuade myself I need more rest than I actually do. The structure seems really easy to follow.

are you paying the subscription. I’d love to get the product but not a fan of supporting subscription models

I agree with what others have said about how they impact my swimming. I really like seeing my splits at every turn while I’m doing a set to know if I need to speed up or slow down. I find that very valuable. Also, don’t sleep on the new Head Coach function. It’s very cool and provides excellent data thats actionable.