For those who have sold a bike online

I wanted to harvest the collective experience of those here who have ever sold a bike as I’m sure many of you have in order to make room for a new ride. I know I’ve done it :wink:

I’ve sold stuff through eBay and here as well. BTW my bike will be listed soon here if anyone needs a 54 cm cervelo r5, but I digress. Anyways I listed the bike on facebook marketplace and some guy responded and offered to buy the bike. He asked me zero questions about my bike? Nada. Zippo. I’ve sold several bikes over the years and never has the interested party not ask a single question. Furthermore, he says he will have his friend pick up the bike as he is working and asked if I would take Zelle.

Please tell me that my initial instincts about this whole thing is off but I think this guy is going to scam me somehow. I’m just now sure how exactly he is planning on doing so. Can one reverse a Zelle charge?

thx in advance

It has to be a scam but I cant figure out how. I was selling a paddle boat on FB market and had the exact same experience.

what did you do? I’m going to decline his offer. I would have listed it here first but posting the pics on slowtwitch is such a pain in the ass as I suck at doing so.

Probably something like the scam detailed here:

But yeah your instincts are correct, definitely a scam.

what did you do? I’m going to decline his offer. I would have listed it here first but posting the pics on slowtwitch is such a pain in the ass as I suck at doing so.

I blocked them and moved along.

That seems to happen anytime I post something on marketplace. Keep saying cash only. They’ll say they don’t have the bank account set up yet. Keep saying cash only. They’ll go away.

I have sold and bought several bikes thru FB Marketplace in addition to several accessories. For the most part the transactions feel safe but I typically exchange several messages with the buyer/seller before transacting so I know they are legitimate. If I feel they may not be, I back away and block them, and that’s happened a few times.

what did you do? I’m going to decline his offer. I would have listed it here first but posting the pics on slowtwitch is such a pain in the ass as I suck at doing so.

It’s not that difficult.

Switch to Advanced Éditor at the bottom of the screen. Then click on the little picture frame on the top where the icons are. Choose your photo than click OK.

Come on. That’s too easy.

Guess it’s been a while when you had to do the tiny pic url thingy.

Thanks. I’m really feeling like how I viewed my mom when she wanted to learn the iPhone 10. Lol

I am more of a fan of EBay/PayPal because it does a much better job of separating the buyer and seller and PayPal assumes the financial risk.

I can’t tell you the number of personal experiences and stories of friends about a buyer showing up with the intention of screwing you. My favorite is when you agree on a price before hand and when they show up you get the “Well,… I only have 60% of the money, but will you take it anyway?”. FB Market Place seems to attract the lowest of the low and these people have dedicated themselves to ruining a good thing for everyone else.

Sooo I uploaded pics but nothing’s showing up. Does it take a bit to post?

eBay manages their payments now.

I am more of a fan of EBay/PayPal because it does a much better job of separating the buyer and seller and PayPal assumes the financial risk.

I can’t tell you the number of personal experiences and stories of friends about a buyer showing up with the intention of screwing you. My favorite is when you agree on a price before hand and when they show up you get the “Well,… I only have 60% of the money, but will you take it anyway?”. FB Market Place seems to attract the lowest of the low and these people have dedicated themselves to ruining a good thing for everyone else.

this 100% I’ve had my bike listed on FB and various groups for a while now. 3 scammers in the first hour, and no bites. I then caved and listed on ebay and sold in 12 hours. I like to complain about ebay fees and what not but they sure as hell make it easy to sell. they took $400 from a 3k sale which really sucks but o well.

Sooo I uploaded pics but nothing’s showing up. Does it take a bit to post?

It should show up immediately. Is the size too large? I always change things to the very smallest. That’s at the bottom of the screen.

Test pic


I sold a MTB and a set or car rims on FB Marketplace in the last 6 months. Definitely have to wade through a lot of scammer feeler messages. So many. The ones that insist on a specific payment platform are 100% scams. Everyone I know has 2-3. They like the one specific platform because they have a template already drawn up for it. And then after a few contacts half of the decent leads turn out to be “my fathers brothers sister cousins former roommate is going to pick it up and we need you do to…” or the “I sent the payment why didn’t you receive it” scam.

When it’s local pickup, I send them a police station address. I have had a few “buyers” drop out when doing that. Also helps REAL buyers know I am not going to screw them.

It’s been a massive PITA to sell online since forever. You just have to keep your head on a swivel and be abreast of the common scams.

I gave up. Too much of a PITA. Good lesson learned however. Just going to go the Fleabay route or not sell at all.

Last year I sold my Specialized Shiv on The Pros Closet. I had no problems whatsoever and felt I was fairly dealt with in terms of what I was offered and what I thought the bike was worth. Shipping it to them wasn’t too hard either. I did vow never to return to one my LBS since they were complete tools about selling me a bike box (this was the final nail in the coffin, I have had numerous run-ins with this place before. It’s a major bike store chain in the upper midwest…). But I digress. To deal with TPC I sent them some images of the bike, including the cosmetic damage and they got back to me quickly with an offer. I would definitely work with them again; that’s my 2 cents.