For the boys

I was planning on doing a half marathon in May but my doctor was able to get me an appointment for a Vasectomy two weeks before the race. Fitness for the race won’t be a problem but I’m not sure if I should register now for the race or wait till the day before and take the big entry fee penalty. Anyone have any experience with vasectomys and the recovery before racing.


You won’t be able to do both…schedule the vas for AFTER the race. TRUST ME, you’ll be amazed at how debilitated you’ll be. Heck, they won’t even let you drive home after…

However, one of the best times in your life will be when you have to go lie down with a bag of peas on your “boys”…a couple of times a day.

you should be ok, DO NOT TAKE OFF the jock strap thingy! and you will be ok. I could not ride my motorcycle for a couple days but other than that it was a piece of cake

Everyone heals differently, but I would definitely not have been ready to go in two weeks.

true I would not risk it, either

Since this is entirely an elective procedure, why not just do it after the race? Makes no sense unless this was the end of the year/deductible issues.

Having said that, after my vasectomy, I was running in 4 days and could have easily done the 1/2. But in your same situation, I’d schedule it the next day and run hard :wink:

It is very individual. Some guys can go chop wood the next day. Others are incapacitated for weeks. I would sit on ice for the first day. And take it easy the next day. NO CHEATING. If it was me I would not sign up now and just plan on paying the late registration penalty if you decide to race. It is only money if you really want to do both.
