For those of you who are busting on people with snorkels, take a second to think about what it would feel like to have a knife stuck in your necks each time you took a breath while in the water. As a chiropractor, I treat many people with a diminished ability to rotate their heads due to chronic pain or arthritis. Yeah, you may not be one of those snorkel breathers NOW but all it takes is some clueless 16 year old to smack their car into from behind at a stoplight and the next thing you know…YOU are the “gay” guy with a snorkel. Before you bust on someone, think about it from all sides first. THEN if it doesnt add up you can bust on them
I think they were busting on people using snorkels in a triathlon.
And I don’t think the person in your scenario would be doing a tri anytime soon as it certainly wouldn’t be safe to ride a bike in that condition and running would probably be too painful.
I regret saying that a snorkel user would get his ass kicked. I didn’t know what the deal was with the whole snorkel wearing thing. However, my awesome new snorkel invention would rock and suddenly, all those who talk shit about snorkel users would find themselves with a bad case of snorkel envy.
“Mike”…or whoever you are:
sorry but i stand by my “dorkel” proclamation.
had the original post noted that the straw was to be used by someone with a physical challenge of some sort…i’m sure just about everyone with a similar post would have been singing a slightly different tune and offering words of support. wasn’t the case however, and it would still be a bitch to use.
Mike, I dont’ think anyone on slowtwitch would make fun of a person using a snorkel if that were his only option due to a disability. That is perfectly respectable. But, on the other hand, a perfectly fit and capable person using a snorkel is completely gay.
If you are using proper body rotation you shouldn’t be turning your head much to breathe anyway.
Dude, You need to write yourself a prescription for some relaxation medication. Oh, that right your not a real doctor.
Snorkel = Pussy
I used a snorkel at st anthonys.
can i still post hee?
can i still post hee?
The answer is no
WOW, that was brutal. Made me laugh out loud
I think it sounds like a great idea. I’m gonna have to work up the nerve to try it.
I’ve got snorkel envy.
– Big EE
A saw a gay looking dorkel at St. Anthony…he passed me.
I am not a gay dorkel, but I am SLOW !
that was me you pussy.
Those might be the funniest 5 words in the history of Slowtwitch.
Oh my god. I’m dyin’ …
think we can find a way to sell tickets to this one?
this one’s gonin’ somewhere fast.
swimming would be a much more pleasant experience if you didn’t have to come up for air all the time.
Yes… and it is called scuba diving