Footpod question


Dumb question but if you have a stryd footpod then you dont need to record your treadmill or other runs with your watch? The footpod does it?

I’m looking for a solution to treadmill inaccuracy.

For those that use them is there any reason to use if you have GPS outdoors?

No. You still need the watch to record the data. The Stryd is just like any other sensor. The watch reads all the sensors aggregates the data, timestamps everything and logs it all in memory as a “workout” (fit file). I suppose in theory you could use a phone and an app (like the wahoo app). But, regardless you need something… The pod can’t do it by itself.

Stryd is basically just a power meter for running. It also gives you pace over ground, cadence, and running dynamics data.

The idea with Stryd is just like power on the bike. So, it accounts for grade effects (unlike gps pace). The latest Stryd also does wind effects. The idea, again, is to give you a measure of your energetic output.

A bonus is that the Stryd is better at compensating for variations in pace on a treadmill compared to a standard footpod, or God forbid a wrist mounted accelerometer (aka watch only).

Thanks. Very helpful. What I’m trying to avoid is using the wrist based forerunner 945 on the treadmill because it’s so inaccurate for pace

So I just use treadmill activity on the watch but make it read the stryde sensor and it will use stryde data rather than watch data? The watch accelerometer data is useless

Sorry to be tedious.


Dumb question but if you have a stryd footpod then you dont need to record your treadmill or other runs with your watch? The footpod does it?

I’m looking for a solution to treadmill inaccuracy.

For those that use them is there any reason to use if you have GPS outdoors?

You can use the Stryd by itself as it does record and save your activities onboard. This requires a Stryd PowerCenter account and their smartphone app so you can sync the pod to the PowerCenter where you can download individual workouts to upload to other training logs. With this setup you don’t have any means of absolutely starting or stopping the activity recording.

As mentioned above you can also use your smartphone, sports watch or Apple Watch to record from the Stryd.

I originally picked up the Stryd because it is typically an improvement over gps distance recording. You can set it up in a sports watch to always be used for pace/distance/cadence while still recording your route using gps.

We used ours as footpods for almost two years before transitioning to using them for running with power.

I don’t have a 945. My watch is a 920. I have a setting on my watch to tell it the preferred speed source. Under the stryd sensor, “use as speed source”, options are “always”, “never”, “only when GPS off”. I have it set to always.

No worries on being tedious. Happy to help.

Perfect. Exactly what I need thanks

No need to wear the watch as others said. Can upload from their app on your phone. Done it a few times when I forgot my watch.

What oher footpods are out there that would record pace/distance on a treadmill accurately? I had a garmin footpod in the past, but lost it. I see the zwift pod, would that work with my garmin watch for treadmill pace? Watch estimates are complete garbage.

I had the Zwift pod and it was ok. Would be good at a certain speed but wasn’t great at changing paces. But for Zwift running and treadmill running it was all I needed. I got a good deal on a used Stryd and it’s great. Does a good job with pace changes but I really got it to see how I liked running with power.

Do I think it’s worth $200 for a treadmill foot pod? No. But my idea is to use it in the winter/spring for training to see how power with running works/doesn’t work.

If you only want to use it on the treadmill the Zwift pod will be fine.

And they zwift pod will work independent of zwift? Just the Garmin?

And they zwift pod will work independent of zwift? Just the Garmin?
Yes it will work independent of zwift. That said mine is a piece of crap, unless something has changed or I got a bad one, I would absolutely not recommend it.

The zwift pod used to be known as the Milstone pod. Lots of comments here about its poor reliability. Use the search.

My garmin footpod is on year 3 and 4 batteries.

I had the Zwift pod and it was ok. Would be good at a certain speed but wasn’t great at changing paces. But for Zwift running and treadmill running it was all I needed. I got a good deal on a used Stryd and it’s great. Does a good job with pace changes but I really got it to see how I liked running with power.

Do I think it’s worth $200 for a treadmill foot pod? No. But my idea is to use it in the winter/spring for training to see how power with running works/doesn’t work.

If you only want to use it on the treadmill the Zwift pod will be fine.

So a new option for accurate treadmill pace just became available from NPE. Their Runn product basically provides what Runscribe did before shutting down production. This is more a product for personal treadmills, but clubs could probably use them too. I have a Stryd, but I’m going to try one of these as it should work for all paces and varying belt speed between foot landing loads.

A bonus is that it will transmit incline and they’re working on a cadence estimating algorithm.

Interesting. Nice price point. My only issue with it in concept is that it appears to be bluetooth only.

So a new option for accurate treadmill pace just became available from NPE. Their Runn product basically provides what Runscribe did before shutting down production. This is more a product for personal treadmills, but clubs could probably use them too. I have a Stryd, but I’m going to try one of these as it should work for all paces and varying belt speed between foot landing loads.

A bonus is that it will transmit incline and they’re working on a cadence estimating algorithm.

I first saw this maybe a week or two ago. I’ve not had luck finding a reliable means of transmitting run pace to Zwift. I’m hoping this might legit work. I’m tempted to order one like a guinea pig…

Interesting. Nice price point. My only issue with it in concept is that it appears to be bluetooth only.

NPE needs to update their page. It does both bluetooth and ant+. I have it mainly connected via ant+ but have connected via bluetooth.

Saw a few posts about that. Looks really nice if it does what it’s supposed to do. Great for a home treadmill but wonder if it can be moved if people traveled a lot or if a foot pod is better if using multiple treadmills. Really cool either way.

What oher footpods are out there that would record pace/distance on a treadmill accurately? I had a garmin footpod in the past, but lost it.

I think the Garmin footpod is the best value for pace/distance. On most watches, it will self-calibrate after a few runs outside, and I find it’s very reliable for treadmill pacing. Stryd is overkill for me. I think the Garmin is ant+ only.

That’s the problem: Garmin pod is ANT+ only and Zwift/Milestone is BT only. If you have a Garmin watch and use BT for Zwift the STRYD is the only one that talks to both.

I wish they went back to making the $100 STRYD that did pace, but not power.

That’s the problem: Garmin pod is ANT+ only and Zwift/Milestone is BT only. If you have a Garmin watch and use BT for Zwift the STRYD is the only one that talks to both.

I wish they went back to making the $100 STRYD that did pace, but not power.

You can also use a 4iiii Viiiiva heart rate monitor that picks up the Garmin ANT+ footpod and broadcasts it over BT to Zwift.