Foot injury - Atlanta referral

Last week I started feeling pain a few hours after a set of run intervals. Initial fear with inconclusive X-ray was stress fracture or torn tendon. Had an MRI and the good news was it was just sprained tendons and only the precursor to a stress fracture (mild marrow edema in the medial navicular). I went to see a ortho who specializes in feet but doesn’t necessarily work with endurance or other athletes. I’m concerned his recommended recovery was canned and conservative because there’s no harm in him always going that route. The problem is I’m signed up for CdA which is my first Ironman and if I follow his recommendations, I won’t have the time to get where I want to be. I don’t want to be foolish if what he is saying is correct but I’d like a second opinion from someone used to working with endurance athletes. Anyone have a referral for someone in the Atlanta area? Thanks!

not orthos, but dr. julien and peebles at :

i had julien for morton’s neuroma a decade ago, might be worth a shot

See if you can get Howard Pike at Peachtree Orthopaedic. He’s really good and does triathlons.

Go and see Dr. Sadri from 1st Choice Health Care.

I guess he treats almost any athlete in Atlanta!

James Hammesfahr in Marietta on Johnson Ferry Rd. was great when I had a foot injury years ago. I’ve had a few friends see him as well.