Fit via internet

I find these fit analyses based on the posted photos interesting. I could forsee this potentially catching on and quite a number of people bombarding the forum with their likeness.

I am curious, does anyone out there charge for this type of analysis via an e-mailed photo or video clip? It seems like a good idea, 10 minute analysis, $10 or $15 - easy money for somebody who knows what to look for. Any takers? I’ll get my digital camera. Tom? cerveloguy?

dave “just another Cervleo riding, forum junkie” judice

Hmmm, not a bad idea. The potential and technology for this exists. That’s interesting. I would be concerned that people felt they got commensurate value for their money. I wonder what people’s expectations would be? Also, as I’ve harped on so many times, I have time being able to do it from a still photo. Cerveloguy actually seems to do a better job from a still photo. I’m impressed by that.

I think it could be done from a photo or better yet, a video just as long as your expectations were only to put you into the general ballpark. I don’t think that it could be a true substitute for getting an in the shop evaluation. However, some people are likely in my position living in a rural area. I would have to drive three hours to the nearest tri bike fitter in a large urban area. This forced me to use the internet to learn about bike fit as a matter of necessity. If such a service as you describe had existed at the time then I certainly would have used it.

YES! See, this is where I’m stuck at the moment. I love the way my bike rides, but, I don’t think it is the best for tt’s and tri’s. It’s an excellent compromise, though…however, it IS a road geometry bike, and although I’ve tinkered with it geometrically, I’m just not sure that I wouldn’t be better fit on something even more forward. There’s really no way to know, other than to try out the different bikes (nearly impossible to do several 40K tt’s to compare them), or rely on an experienced person’s evaluation of your style, shape, power, etc. This could help get me off of the fence on whether or not to get a second dedicated forward position bike, or, maybe the one I’m on is where I’d end up being positioned anyway. It’s really hard to know.

I approached PK racing for a bike fit about 6 months ago and we were going to do it all via the internet, by taking digital pics and taking measurements that they wanted. He was willing to lower the price, but mainly because it was for my fiancee who is a pro so he was giving a discount based on that…When you think about it you could argue that doing it over the internet is more of a hassle thus should be more expensive? Never did do the fit though due to a number of reasons