Fit Problem, Need Suggestions

I had a fit on a 16yr old, does high mileage and is a really solid racer. He is having some knee issue and I really believe it is an overuse injury listening to how it happened. He is currently working with Dr. to help with issue but I am trying to get him in a better position on the bike. His dad is a Cat 1 and coach that works in cycling industry so they have a lot of knowledge and experience.

My questions and issues are how to help him on the bike. He has some body issues from strength and stability standpoint in hips, core and knees. He sits twisted to the left on the saddle and left shoulder rides much higher than right. At the top of his pedal stroke on left the knee kicks out, his right leg sits really close to frame but tracks pretty well. His seat height and KOS is in a solid spot. While he is working with chiro to get body is better position what suggestions do you have to support him on the bike? When I move his right hand back a little on bars his shoulder level out.

We adjusted his cleat, moved saddle a little, moved pedal out to support knee that is farthest from frame but I feel I am missing something. What do you do to help with twisted body? Any recommendations or suggestions would be great.

what is his inseam length? and if you have it, his femur length?
how much does he weigh
what is his setback from BB center?
what is his crankarm length?
Is he using Junior gearing?

Inseam is 864 mm
172.5 crank
he is 5’9"
not using jr gear, he is a really solid racer
weight 125
femur 417 mm
Don’t remember set back but can get it from the shop.

He sits to the left on the bike, ride knee is close to top tube, left knee out and top of pedal stroke is where you see the kick out. The knee issue just started about 8 weeks ago in base build

hard to say…can you post a video?

looks like crank arm is too long.
maybe this can be of help.

Which knee has the problem? Have you looked at his feet for pronation or varus forefoot? Sounds like left leg may be weaker and/or less flexible. Test shorter cranks and see if that helps. If knee problem is patellar, look for foot pronation and add insoles if needed. Could also be a LLD…

If he’s 16 and already a “high mileage” rider who is successful racing, then it could be that he has specialized in cycling a bit too early and needs some supplemental work with a strength & mobility coach in order to address the issues you have seen with hips, core, and knees. I don’t mean he has to play some other sport, but if all he wants to do is ride bikes and race then he’s going to have to develop the parts of his body that the bike doesn’t in other ways. I’ve personally seen this with a number of young athletes, no amount of fit magic can make up for a body that isn’t balanced and moving/working properly. Doing nothing but riding a bike at age 16 (or younger) is not going to lead to a balanced body that moves properly.

I’m a fitter, so I do the best I can to fix problems with the tools I have. But when I get situations like this I refer them to local strength & mobility coaches who work with endurance athletes and with young athletes. I’m fortunate to have at least three good options locally for that. I think the takeaway is, if you’re a fitter, get familiar with this community of professionals and learn who in it you can trust to refer people to.

yes he has a lot of mobility and strength problems and that was my #1 issue for him to address. I hope we have him on a better track to work on some of his really big weaknesses. He does have insoles and I actually tried some G8 Insoles in different positions but didn’t change anything. I put him on the Guru with 165s and it helped the most. He still has a lot of wobble during entire pedal stroke but I think that is from body weakness and not fit position. Thank you for the feedback