Fit Data Help

I was lucky to get one of the express fits done by Dan when he made it out to the east coast this spring. He was great and spent the time to talk through what he wrote down. I concluded the current object of lust and perfect fit is QR PR3. Problem is it is not in the budget at the moment.

In place of that I’m going to build a Kickr bike to the same fit coordinates to train on. I’m going to attach the fit sheet. My question is which set of numbers is the x/y? I see a pad x 455 and pad y 625. I believe that if the number in space I need to shoot for.

Is that correct?

What are the two sets of numbers he circled below that? HX 470 and 568? Those are the ones confusing me. What are those?



The circled numbers are the ‘best’ and final of your trials 1 thru 4.

HX and HY are handlebar coordinates; your Pad X and Y are then above the base bar. In your case the pad elevation above the base bar is 57mm.

Thanks Anne.

So the pad x and y are not where I want them in relation to the bottom bracket?

I just want to be sure in not confusing frame stack and reach with pad x/y.

It’s the first fit I’ve had in 23 years of riding a triathlon bike so I want to get it set up correctly.