FIt calculator no longer available?

I appears the fit calculators are no longer available here. Does anyone have a source for a frame to bar stack and reach calculator? Thanks!

No it will be back within the next couple of days. Sorry for the inconvenience


Good to hear it’s coming back. Thanks for the reply.

Hi there. I’m sorry for not being patient, but I have a client i need to order a bike for since their fit. Any update on calculators being available? At least to fitters?

new website looks nice and modern

+1 for anxious to see calculator back up on this page:

The fit calculator is now up at a new address:
but still does not work. After you put in all your numbers, you get an Error “Oops this page does not exist”*1bvrqlm*_ga*MTYzNTkxOTY4MC4xNzI2NTE1MTc4*_ga_4JP2WEE0TF*MTcyNjUyMDA5MC4yLjAuMTcyNjUyMDA5MC42MC4wLjA.

I would NOT use that… We are wokring on this.

@E_DUB will you let us know here in the thread when it’s back up and running? Thanks!

Any eta on when the calculator is gonna be back up? I really could’ve used this today.

I’m working on a more full featured set of XY calculators to share on its own website in the near future that incorporates a modern database of bike geometries. I’ll be happy to share this when it’s ready.

Here’s an example of it currently in Google Sheets that I use regularly.



+1 for this, any more recent news on the calculators being available again soon?

Thank you so much. I would be interested in this.

Still not available, any news on an update?

We are about a week away.

do you have a link to a functioning calculator?

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Would you be willing to share in an Alpha/beta state - IE especially if the Handlebar can function even without a database background (IE I know all the parameters to enter for 2 bikes to compare and figure out what I should run slightly differently between the 2 to get the same ballpark Handlebar X/Y). Please and thank you!

This isn’t too terribly hard to figure out for road, gravel, and mountain bikes if you use the yojimg stem calculator and bikeinsights’ search function to bound stack and reach dimensions. Should be pretty self-explanatory, but let me know if you want a step-by-step instructions.

I still can’t find the calculator all the links I’ve used say “oops cannot find page”

checking back again - do you have it up yet?
thank you

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I would be very interested in this please let me know whenever it is up and running.