Fit Bike sales and financing

Fitters: Remember that we sell and finance fit bikes. If you’re in the market for a new, modern, competitively priced, fit bike, which you can purchase and pay for as it earns its way, give us a shout. Buying a fit bike from us also earns you a discount on F.I.S.T. Workshops.

We’d like to hear more as we would like to upgrade our fit bike one of these days. Sadly, the Canadian $$ isn’t going as far this year as it did last year so we will only consider upgrading this year if it is just too good a deal to pass up. What can you tell us?

elise, shoot me an email. slowman at the operative domain. i’ll go over it with you. hi to cam for me.

Cool and thanks! Tomorrow? Gotta go to the pool and swim.

wish the financing applies on other countries also

Hey Mojoboy, in many cases we have extended the financing to foreign countries. We take it on a case buy case basis. Do we know you, your shop, have you been to our FIST workshop, how long in business, and a bunch of other considerations we use to make determinations.

We understand the value for most to be able to work your way through a fit bike, and if we think you are that person, then countries boundaries are not that important…

Would love to hear more. I’ve emailed you. Thanks!