First "ride" back!

Just under two months ago, I got clobbered by a car while on my Slice.That accident could have left me
A braindead vegetableA quadriplegicBlind in one eyeDisfigured in my faceDead
All these options were a distinct possibility, given the injuries I sustained, but thanks to an aweful lot of luck and the skills of the docs in Grand River Hospital in Kitchener and Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto (thanks, fellas), none of them materialized. I “walked” away with facial reconstructive surgery (yay! I’m the bionic man now! I have a little titanium egg basket holding up my eyeball in my skull!), a neckbrace, and a broken collarbone. I’m counting my blessings every day.

And today I did my first trainer ride! My physio allowed me to ride my trainer for up to 15 minutes a day! Here’s my power graph:

Wear your helmet kids, or you will end up just dead instead of the bionic man!

Edit: Stupid ESL mistake (the really horrible one. I’m sure there’s more of them)

Sounds bad. I don’t ride outside anymore, except for races because of these horror stories.

outstanding, sir. welcome back.


welcome back dude!

Sounds bad. I don’t ride outside anymore, except for races because of these horror stories.

I’d agree with you, but those rides at sunup in June and early July are magical. Wouldn’t want to miss them. I’m making a couple of changes though:

  • No more riding aero in town. If I want/need to ride the TT bike, I’ll drive to the edge of town and ride from there
  • Max speed in town: 25 km/h.
  • Not really a change but helmet and RoadID are required for every ride

I do miss the feeling of riding outdoors and some of the scenery. Just too many horror stories for my liking. Guys getting killed on dedicated elevated bike paths, guys and gals getting run of the road on purpose or unintentional, amateurs and pros getting hit even on out of the way less trafficky roads.

I’m sure the odds of being killed or injured while riding compared to other things I do aren’t that large if one looked at the aggregate statistics, just biased by what I read here. Also, quite frankly can be more time efficient indoors and get a “better” workout in.

welcome back, glad you are OK! Hope your recovery continues well!

Awesome job! keep it up!

I’m guessin it takes a BAMF to get through all that.
Welcome back.

Just in time for trainer season in the great snowy north!
Congrats on surviving and being back on the bike, must feel good to be moving again.

Great ending to that story. Congrats and enjoy the come back.

Awesome. Spin, spin, spin.
You are strong!

Welcome back. How’s the neck feel?

Here’s the “crash report” for those of you that don’t know the backstory…;search_string=;#3537883


Congratulations on the first ride and welcome back!

Welcome back. How’s the neck feel?

Here’s the “crash report” for those of you that don’t know the backstory…;#3537883


Neck’s OK actually, always has been, pain wise. My hands on the other hand (hurrrr…) are another story. I’m on these horrible pills for nerve pain (Lyrica), of which one of the stated side effects is ‘increased appetite’. No shit. I gained 10 pounds of the 14 I lost in hospital without any trouble, and am now exercising major mental fortitude in order to not gain another 10. Or 20. Or 30. And in addition to that they merely numb the pain, not take it away.

Still don’t know if I should do the discectomy and vertebrae fusion. I only know that I can’t live with the pain I’m having now for very long.

Welcome back chipmunk glad to hear from ya!

Wishing you many years of safe and happy riding.

Welcome back to life Chipmunk!

I’m from your area. Where’d you get hit?

I’m from your area. Where’d you get hit?

Union and St Leger in Kitchener. Was on my way out to Sawmill Rd; Home - Bloomingdale - Conestoga - St Jacobs - Home is a nice one hour session.