Im taking the plunge and doing Carlsbad in Jan. Ive only done olympic distance racing and my longest run has been 9 miles ever. I will be pretty much just running up until the race with some strength training aswell. I plan on 2 long runs per week 1 tempo and 2-3 easy runs, slowly increasing my milage per week. What are some other major things I should be doing?
Buy a calf stretcher, yoga mat, and a foam roller.
Go have fun. Have fun training.
Long, base runs, unless you’re thinking you’re going to to break 2:30 or something crazy.
Remember, it’s going to be a PR no matter what your time is.
I’d love to break 2:30 but that’s just unrealistic. I’m looking at 3:30
Slow long runs.
Also, training pace should be based off of current fitness not based off of a random goal. Schedule a half marathon to race early November and adjust training paces based off you HM time.
It’s based off current fitness level. I’m coming from boulder to sea level aswell so 3:30 would be a great day
My two cents, practice with your calorie replenishments. I prefer three gu’s, but I carry four, for marathon distance. Everyone varies, but have a gameplan practiced for the big day.
Have a great race,
10%-ish mileage increases (or just, don’t pile it on immediately).
Long slow runs.
Foam roller.
I’ve run about 30 marathons now. What I like to do now that might sounds weird is take occasional long runs (15-20 milers) and consume very little to no extra calories (but do hydrate, just water) to get used to the feeling of bonking, and getting though that. I carry a few GUs on those runs with the intent not to crack into them. I like that shitty feeling, and knowing I can pull through it. Much better to feel it during training than at mile 20 of your first marathon and thinking you’re done.
10%-ish mileage increases (or just, don’t pile it on immediately).
Long slow runs.
Foam roller.
I’ve run about 30 marathons now. What I like to do now that might sounds weird is take occasional long runs (15-20 milers) and consume very little to no extra calories (but do hydrate, just water) to get used to the feeling of bonking, and getting though that. I carry a few GUs on those runs with the intent not to crack into them. I like that shitty feeling, and knowing I can pull through it. Much better to feel it during training than at mile 20 of your first marathon and thinking you’re done.
I am at about 20 marathons now and I like to do this too. I would, however, not recommend it for a first-timer. Take the GUs with you and use them. You don’t want to spend half your race looking for the next toilet.
X-whatever on the foam roller. The mileage will build up quickly and bite you in the ass if you’re not paying attention. Go slow when you’re supposed to, and save the speed for specified workouts.