I’m new here… I have a question to ask… I am going to embark on my first IronMan. I am a novice triathlete. In the past year or so I’ve done one olympic (my first tri), a marathon (my first), one sprint and just finished a century plus (el tour de tucson 109 miles)… i’m VERY slow and don’t really consider myself to be an athlete. Having said all that, how long should my training be for IM?
Howdy! Do consider myself an athlete but I’m in pretty much the same boast as you as far as first IM. I’m doing AZ in April and I started training in October (7months with base and taper). I reccomend getting a STRONG bike base (more than just a cen. ride) as most on the forum wil tell you. Also, maybe a coach? Good luck and never doubt yourself. D.
thanks for responding… i have hired a coach, and my training will start tomorrow… i’m doing IM Western Australia… just recently it’s been brought to my attention that 11 months of training will be way too much… i’ve been told that i could do this in 16 weeks… just don’t know…
also get “going long” by gordo byrn. You could do an IM tommorrow… it just wouldn’t be much fun. However you are right that you 11 months is too soon to be specifically prepping for the IM. If you are going to begin now then it is just about building a nice aerobic base. Maybe cross-train, yoga… get your body composition closer to where it needs to be… work on swim technique… join a tri club… make friends with your bike… all that good stuff.
Remember you have begun a journey to realize your IM athletic potential. With persistent effort and a bit of luck this is a 2-6 year project, depending on prior experience.
If you have a coach - then they’ll set up your plan…
In my opinion - you can start training 3 months or 3 years ahead of time. The key is to not get injured and not get burnt out. I’ve had a couple friends who started hard training too early and fizzled in the last 2-3 months which is exactly what you do not want.
If you can ride 100+ and run 26 - you are ready.
Set up the last 3-4 months before the taper. Your goal is to hit those 3-4 months fresh and healthy so you can train well - all the time before that period should be set up with that in mind.