Just did my first brick workout of the year today. I am behind in my training due to work commitments this year. I have to say it actually felt good. I did a 20 mile bike with a 2.5 mile run after. The bike was kind of a joke however, as I took a rookie out for his first ride of the year. He is interested in doing a du this year so I lent him a bike and took him for a ride, it was his idea to brick. Lets just say that at mile 7 of the ride he complained of soreness on his backside, he spent more time coasting the second 10 miles then he did pedaling. I give him credit, I offered to call for a ride and he said that it was his idea to do 20, when I suggested 10 and that he would finish the ride. He then tried to get his pride back on the run, he is considerably faster than me at this distance, and of course he blew up and walked the last block in.
Interesting note on adaptation to the tri position, I bought my tri bike last year, was never really comfortable on it until earlier this year. I spent lot of time riding on the bullhorns, my neck hurt all the time etc… Rode mostly on the horns today as I was with someone else, it sucked. My hands hurt, my neck hurt, my shoulders felt odd. It was a relief to drop into the aero bars the couple of times I sprinted ahead. Way more comfortable in that position. I do find myself “coming up for air” more often then I like but overall would rather be aero than not. If you had told me that last year I would have laughed. Everyone said it takes 600-700 miles to get comfortable on a new bike. Last years pitiful mileage, (injuried) 354 miles, this years mileage as of today 304. Total 658. More proof that ST knows what it is talking about.