Finite amount of likes

I certainly appreciate the new “like” feature of the forum but I just got a notification that I only have a few left for today.

Passing it along. Use them wisely.


Sorry, my love knows no bounds.

I wonder if they will let us upgrade to premium and get unlimited hearts.


I would like your post, but now I feel like I must conserve my likes.

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Fuck it…i want to see what the limit is


Gotta up your Trust Level amigo! Whatever that means.

Hey, in case this place goes to shit, we’re good as long as you can find a way to stop calling me (and others) communist.


no problem, comrade


Comrade if I was going to call you a communist I would … a tongue in cheek term is not meant to offend so I shall no longer refer to you as comrade if that is your preference (and being honest Canadian is significantly more of a pejorative than comrade)

Air hug it out?

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Alcohol is not “family friendly”

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We’re good. You can call me Canadian all day long. I really like our northern brethren. I am sitting in Ontario right now. One of the biggest compliments I have ever gotten was when we were up here a couple years ago and someone we were talking to assumed we were locals.



And now we can’t give people shit for not being able to quote as it really seems to be working randomly.

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