Finding the right front wheel (given I own a Tri Spoke)

I got my act together this last year and finally saved and scrounged enough money to put together a bike that is significantly faster than my old ride (P2SL with stock bar/components → New P2 w/TriRig bars). One thing I noticed this year is that with my front end being carbon/much lighter, I feel far more affected by winds.

I’ve used an old-school DuPont TriSpoke for years, and it has served me well w/o exception, but on multiple occasions this year I’ve been completely blown around. A new front wheel purchase is right at the top of my purchase list, and I’m wondering what the best option for me might be, given that I own a serviceable TriSpoke. I’m a big dude (6’7", ~205-210lbs), but the TriSpoke just seems unbearable in windy/uncovered races.

Should I get a different deep front that handles better? A mid-range depth option? I was looking at the Flo 60 or 90 as options because of affordability, and could make gameday decision b/w new wheel or TriSpoke, but if there’s an expensive swiss army knife of a wheel (ie one “ultimate” solution) that’s expensive, I could sell the TriSpoke and be a little spendier. Obviously aero is an absolute priority.

60 is usually a safe choice. The Flo 60 might not be the fastest but I certainly wouldn’t sweat whatever it gives up to, say, a Firestrike 404.

Considering that you can use your tri spoke for low wind days (low yaw), I’d suggest looking for something for high-wind days so 60 at the deepest IMO and going with something like a 30 might not be the end of the world either.

This reminds me… I wish I could find aero data on the Jet 4+ :confused:

I have a Jet 6 and 9 and can’t tell a difference between the two on really windy days. Both are fine. I had a trispoke too but it was a mess to handle when winds were in excess of 15mph so I sold it.

A Flo90/808/Jet9 might feel better

a Flo60/404/Jet6 will definitely feel better.

If you can, try some out first, everyone is different.