Finding power drop-outs - Assiomas and Garmin 965

I have my assiomas paired with a forerunner 965. I seem to be experiencing drop-outs in power pretty regularly. I notice them during the ride when the power of my watch reads “–” which I assume is a drop-out versus reading “0” which would be me not pedaling. I’ve uploaded the file into Golden Cheetah but I can’t see any abnormal drops in power but I think I do see these drops in cadence. Is here a way to better check this? I have very very limited knowledge of Golden Cheetah so I might be viewing the data in a way that doesn’t show these drops. The cadence drops are pretty regular at every 3 minutes and I know I’m pretty much constantly pedaling unless I’m spinning out or turning at on a downhill.

2nd question. Do you think this is a problem with the assiomas or the watch? I don’t have another power meter or watch/head unit to check this. Maybe using my phone somehow?

The the DCR Analyzer

I don’t know if this will help but may be worth a try

Is it paired via Bluetooth or ANT+?

If BT, I would flip to ANT but either way maybe it will make a difference

didn’t think about his analyzer. I’ll check it out. I did figure out how to export to a csv so I can throw in into excel and mess around a bit there. Still haven’t really figured out the best way to really confirm drop-outs. I see a zero in cadence and usually a zero in power but sometimes that might be because I stopped pedaling to grab a drink or some other random reason. I can try to match my zero’s to the terrain but that gets a bit tedious.

That’s a good idea! I’ll give that a try and see how it works.

Just an FYI for anyone wondering how to switch from one to the other: My watch had 2 different “pwr sensors” set up for my assiomas. One was the connection via BLE and the other was through Ant+. I figured out which was which by selecting the “About” menu option once went into each sensor option. I deleted the BLE power option though there might be a way to just prioritize one connection over the other.

That’s a good idea! I’ll give that a try and see how it works.

Just an FYI for anyone wondering how to switch from one to the other: My watch had 2 different “pwr sensors” set up for my assiomas. One was the connection via BLE and the other was through Ant+. I figured out which was which by selecting the “About” menu option once went into each sensor option. I deleted the BLE power option though there might be a way to just prioritize one connection over the other.

You could pair both then disable the BLE to prevent it from trying to pair again. Some devices (like the 130) try to pair over and over so better to pair then disable them.

I have the same problem - power drops out every 3 minutes. Watch says they are connected via BT. When I delete the pedals, and turn off BT on the watch, and then try to re-pair it, the watch doesn’t find the pedals via ANT+ mode. Any help would be appreciated.

Hmmm…do you have anything else connected to the watch via Ant+? I didn’t purposely connect my pedals to my watch with BT or Ant+, it just automatically set up connected to with both when I set the watch up.

Somehow I missed this thread before…

In short, there’s a near 99% certaintity that a crank length mismatch is happening. The every 2 or 3 minute thing is the tell. Generally this happens if you have two devices recording (e.g. FR965 and Edge) and one is set to something like 172.5, and the other 170.0mm.

However, someone a while back reported the same thing happening when they had set the app to X and the FR965 to Y. In theory, the FR965 should basically overwrite any app setting, but…stranger things have happened.

I have a differente problem, my fenix 6 reads a completely differente number than the actual power (when paired with a favero assioma). I cant rely on the fenix to watch my power anymore. This doesnt happen to the quarq power meter thats installed on my crank.

I have tried many differente solutions but none seems to help.

Speaking of the length setting, every now and then I’ll go into either my Garmin watch or Edge and the length setting for the Assiomas has changed to something incorrect. This has happened with 955 and 965 as well as 540 and 840. Do you know if there is something I can do (or not do) that will make the setting permanent?

Hmm, I’ve never seen the number change before (on the Garmin side), except if the sensor had been removed and re-added. That’s odd.

Does it always change back to the same number? Like Rainmaker said, the watch will override the Favero app. Maybe you have a certain cranklength set on one of your computers that keeps resetting your length? As mentioned earlier in the thread, my watch has two different connection types to my assiomas. Maybe you have the same and they each connection has their own cranklength? Just a complete guess.

Do the power numbers actually make sense (but are just a little high or low) or is it just random numbers? Do you get correct power numbers if you connect your pedals do a different read out (zwift, a bike computer, etc.)?

They make sense, initially I thought that they were reading just half of the power. But no, more like 60%-70% of the power.

Sometimes out of nowhere the readings are right and they continue to be right until I pause my garmin for some reason.

I use this power meter on zwfit and have zero problems. I think my fenix has some problem, he acts weird with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections sometimes

Hmm, I’ve never seen the number change before (on the Garmin side), except if the sensor had been removed and re-added. That’s odd.
interesting, thank you. I figured it was a known issue of some sort, since it’s been happening for a couple years intermittently and across watches and bike comps. I do have 2 sets of the same Assiomas on different bikes, though both bikes have 165mm cranks so I’ve always set it to 165mm across apps, watches, and bike comps. maybe I need to remove them all and re-add making absolutely sure the 165mm setting is done across each and every one (even though I thought I’ve done this before).

All I have is the Forerunner and the Pedals; no cycling computer. The Assioma app is set to 172.5…and on my Forerunner it shows both cranks as 172.5.

L pedal shows up as being connect in ANT+. R pedal shows up as being connected in BT. I don’t seem to have any way to get them to BOTH be ANT+ or BOTH be BT. Not sure if that is relevant…

You shouldn’t have both paired/added. It automatically passes both sides through. Remove the BT pairing, and I’d bet your problem will be solved.

I think I have solved the problem. DCRainmaker…I tried to figure out how to get only one pedal uploaded and still have the right power. In the end, I didn’t let garmin detect - all sensors - which means it detected both pedals and installed both. Instead I had Garmin find POWER…which then allowed me to only upload one sensor. Today’s ride had no dropouts!