Femur:Tibia ratio

Hello all,

Does anyone have insight or information on what is considered ‘standard deviation’ for thigh : shin length?

I know Retul reports list thigh and shin length in mm…

Thanks a bunch http://forums.thepaceline.net/images/smilies/smile.gif

when I’ve looked into mean proportions and ratios, I’ve found that they are based upon race/age/gender. So what is percieved as ‘normal’ is true only for Northern European Caucasians, not South American types (regardless of skin color per se). There are hundreds of studies of cadavers over time, to measure and categorise the human body.

Interesting reading here: http://www.exrx.net/Kinesiology/Segments.html



I Agree with Anne.
Additionally if you are using statistics to fit bikes you might be missing something in the unique needs of that cyclist .Statistical Studies are great for overviews. Bike fitting is much more about the needs of the person being fitted an the relationship to the bike selected .im not saying don’t collect data. there is much to be learned from it.

Thanks Anne, good references!

I Agree with Anne.
Additionally if you are using statistics to fit bikes you might be missing something in the unique needs of that cyclist .Statistical Studies are great for overviews. Bike fitting is much more about the needs of the person being fitted an the relationship to the bike selected .im not saying don’t collect data. there is much to be learned from it.

Thanks Happy. I’m not looking to hone a fit-all-equation; I’m looking to find information on the proportionality in a broad sense, because I’m curious. Particularly differences regarding gender, ethnicity, etc.