Felt IA Cockpit Upgrade

Hello Everyone!

Been using the forum for several weeks for a wealth of knowledge with parts and peoples past experience owning Felt IA various models.

Thank you to everyone. Because of these forums I have been able to close all doors on cockpit selection on the Felt IA 3 Disc Non Hydros.

6’2 205lbs very wide shoulders Last race: Average Power 271 55miles 3300’ Elevation
75mm Felt Stack +5mm Bridge Bayonet system at the widest configuration

40-55 Felt Stack height with AeroCoach Clamp on Kit with Felt Bridge: Dead end with the 80mm bolts. Kept getting slippage.
Was checking out FastTT and was trying to get the Felt UHD integrated bar to work. Was going to do a plate and then just drop the Fast TT bars on and call it a day or would it?

Still wanted to upgrade the brake system to the matching group Shimano Ultegra/Dura ace setup. Basically enough upgrades to have a Felt FRD minus the Fancy Carbon.
The Felt basebar has a flair that will only work with the Dura Ace Levers Only. Can’t use the TRP Hydros used on other models.

So just like the group, it’s going to be a full cockpit upgrade:

Found the 110 Dagger stem with the correct hole placement for the nose cone from Hong Kong.

Profile Design Wing 20+ With Brackets, 52 ASC extensions (They will have more in stock March 10th), PD Tall A3A Bracket bridge kit, and the Ergo + comfort pads (Why not, I am going to be 40 and have realized I won’t have the splits as the 30-35 Age group) I rather be more comfortable then the full “Mantis” style.
I have the TRP Hyrdos I will throw on since I have them laying around with ultegra calibers from another pull. (Save the money till next year)

With the Dagger 110 Stem 20mm+ forward reach: With those that have made the switch and did full cockpit on the Felt IA using the Dagger stem how did you achieve this with your new upgraded cockpit? Not sure of the degree of this stem but it looks 10-15or so lower then the current integrated tall shim to basebar?

Thank you.


First of all, you probably want to get a bike fit. Judging from that picture you posted, you can probably do quite a lot with your current setup.

If you can’t find someone to do a bikefit for you, then post a video from the side here and you’ll get some starting points.

The picture is showing the stock setup from the first race of the 2023 season. Are you suggesting there is a easier softer way to make thr stock bayonet system be more ergo with a small tilt? I am all ears.
I was going to start ordering parts from profile.

I thought I explored all avenues with possible configurations.
Here is the attempt to connect the areoblocks on the Felt stack spacers.


We need a side view (or even better, a video) of you, riding the bike on the turbo trainer laying on the aerobars, in order to give a meaningful advice

I think what he was saying nicely that your fit looks poor and before spending money slow down and get the fit right.

Agreed with AC here. You’re missing the low hanging fruit of getting lower. They say ‘getting lower isn’t always faster’ but they’re talking about going from 10deg to 5deg, not the angle here. Getting rid of all the spacer and slamming the bars will get you 10x the aero gains that any new front end would give in that same position. Yes, it will be uncomfortable at first, give it a few days.

Ditto for elbow width, yes narrower isn’t always faster, but when you’re starting position is this wide getting narrower is a slam dunk.

I would work out the position first and then decide on which bars best fit a more optimized position. Buying new bars now may effectively lock you into the position that you have.

I think what he was saying nicely that your fit looks poor and before spending money slow down and get the fit right.

Yeah at that time it was 2 months post spine surgery c4c6 replaced and still didn’t have full range of the desired flexibility.

I’ll check thr forums for fitters that aren’t tied to shops to get the right fit before I throw more money at this Felt.

As the poster said above. Set it on a turbo and take a short video and post it. Some great fitters on here that will help.

Yep, you need a fit.

Anyone want to do a virtual Bikefit?
If I can figure to mount two camera systems behind a green screen could that work provided you send me the sensors?

I really appreciate the immediate feedback on this.

**Additional spare parts: **
43 ASC bars (Chinese Fitment knock off) from Ebay Will not use other than for fitment purposes.Profile 50 SLC Alum Felt Shortie S bends AlumAeroCoach 25 Degree Tilt Block clamp kit w/additional 50mm Stack risersAeroCoach Elbow pads (These really have you feel locked in)Felt multiple sizes and configurations of 5-40mm from stock and additional recent purchases before I scrapped the FastTT idea of mounting a plate with stack.Felt 110 Dagger Felt 90 Dagger W/Alum Base bars- (Jumped on these on Ebay) It looks like it could be the 90mm with the hole for the nose cone. (Fingers Crossed)
Anything longer than 90 minutes on the trainer, I am noticing my elbows dropping while sliding the forearms back giving me the more desired hands higher positioning.

Would a lower stack with either a angle kit + certain bars with more support such as the 53 ASC give me the desired positioning, comfort plus maybe getting more aero at the same?
33.75" Inseam
165 Crank arms Purchased from last fit.

Please let me know if there is any virtual fitting software or with the two camera system and a headset phone call to discuss positioning for what I have to work with or Upgrade the full cockpit.

Thank you.

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You don’t need sensors.

Mount a camera with you on the bike riding under power from the side straight on.

Post it up.

You don’t need sensors.

Mount a camera with you on the bike riding under power from the side straight on.

Post it up.
And wear cycling clothes and shoes. Place the camera roughly top tube height and make sure the bottom of your pedal stroke and top of back are in the shot. Ride at race effort and cadence.

Anyone want to do a virtual Bikefit?
If I can figure to mount two camera systems behind a green screen could that work provided you send me the sensors?

I really appreciate the immediate feedback on this.

**Additional spare parts: **
43 ASC bars (Chinese Fitment knock off) from Ebay Will not use other than for fitment purposes.Profile 50 SLC Alum Felt Shortie S bends AlumAeroCoach 25 Degree Tilt Block clamp kit w/additional 50mm Stack risersAeroCoach Elbow pads (These really have you feel locked in)Felt multiple sizes and configurations of 5-40mm from stock and additional recent purchases before I scrapped the FastTT idea of mounting a plate with stack.Felt 110 Dagger Felt 90 Dagger W/Alum Base bars- (Jumped on these on Ebay) It looks like it could be the 90mm with the hole for the nose cone. (Fingers Crossed)
Anything longer than 90 minutes on the trainer, I am noticing my elbows dropping while sliding the forearms back giving me the more desired hands higher positioning.

Would a lower stack with either a angle kit + certain bars with more support such as the 53 ASC give me the desired positioning, comfort plus maybe getting more aero at the same?
33.75" Inseam
165 Crank arms Purchased from last fit.

Please let me know if there is any virtual fitting software or with the two camera system and a headset phone call to discuss positioning for what I have to work with or Upgrade the full cockpit.

Thank you.

Is that your place? If so, lots of technology in there! When you are done getting figured out with your fit, you should post a better picture of your “pain cave” in the pain cave thread on here!

Hopefully this works.

Link may not work mobile.
Best viewed on PC

There is bilateral flex between bars and the threaded 40mm base spacers.
Good thing it’s going to have to come apart to make sure all those locking silver spacers between riser stacks can be fully inspected again

Warm up 15 minutes:
Steady 85-92RPM 199-215Watts
About Minute 3:40ish I shift backwards. I am realizing the material used on the aerocoach arm cups isn’t really “locking” me in place I thought I was.
Felt 58
Crank 165
Standard Felt Stack @75 +bridge
Inseam 33.5


Possible to use existing “Felt UHD NANO” basebar system or do a full cockpit swap with either the Felt Dagger 90 or 110 with the full PD Wing 20C+ full cockpit with the new 42 or 53 ASC extensions?

Video of placement in the google Link.

The laser is lined up center of the headtube while on the top tube.


Thanks for the suggestions. Video is up. Let me know your thoughts on possible options.


First of all, I’m not a bike fitter and maybe someone else can say something else.

Do you have any mobility issues? Otherwise:

Remove most of the spacers and and get as low as possible in the front first. Sit further forward on the saddle and try to rotate the hips forward. Try to hang your thing in front of the saddle If you know what I mean…

Might have look at saddle height after that. Not because of your thing but due to the change in position.

Also, that’s a lot of technology you got there! Definitely post it in the pain cave thread!

Who put all the spacers under the aero bars?

My initial fit on this Felt was 2 months post spine surgery.
The well known fitter did the best he could with what he had to work with with various pressure points around shoulders and neck.

Need to explore options with current stock felt UHD or do a full cockpit conversion.

Based on the video l would the additional 20mm with the 110 dagger get me where I need?

Try first to remove all spacers and add a new video and we’ll see how it looks

Here’s a good example of a fast position that’s not slammed. Highly recommend testing what’s fast and comfortable for you.
