Felt IA CalPac to Shiv Fuelselage Customization

Just curious if anybody has actually done this with any kind of success yet. I’ve been searching high and low for a howto/guide on how to get this conversion done. I’m planning on doing this as I’m racing short course and only need 1 bottle but prefer to not have it exposed if possible. Also when converting is there any space left over for a flat kit? I suppose that’s having my cake and eating it too?

Can the CalPac be purchased from Felt as a replacement part in case this goes horribly wrong? Are the frames smooth enough on the inside to avoid tears/holes in the bag? Whats the total capacity of the fuelselage? For a 51cm frame would the smaller one be the ideal fit?

The best I’ve come up with are these photos: http://imgur.com/a/pemPN but nothing in the way of explaining the process. Any help from the ST collective would be greatly appreciated.

Yes, there are a few of us that did this. I posted mine option and i know someone else did as well in the ’ 2014 Felt IA’ thread.

You basicly cut a hole in the rubber top and remove the cal pack. Cut a part of the bottom large enough to accomodate the fuelselage.

Check the thread and you will see how its done

Works great!

I’ve searched the 2014 Felt IA FRD thread and found nothing but what I posted above (photos). I’ve yet to find details I’m looking for. I’m not keen to chop up my bike until I know I can get the replacement part should I mess it up. I’m also interested to know how ineffective the CalPak becomes when you go this route. In a perfect world I’d ideally like to have space for a tube, levers, co2 but those can go under my seat. A gel or two wouldn’t hurt though if there is room left over.

Thanks for the response. If there is another thread I’m unfamiliar with please let me know.

Take a closer look at my post of july 17and an even better option which i use now as well but built is almost similar at aug 11 from davews09

Good luck

Eureeka … man that was hidden well. I thought I scoured this thread for this in vane. Thanks!

Two methods we have so far



Found a local guy who’s going to build me a custom insert for my IA out of Carbon. We’re going to design it to be like the one below with a few changes to suit my needs best. Somthing similar to this.


Let him built 2. I’m in for one :slight_smile:

If he will build 3 let me know the price, I would love one.

This price is scary right now; $900CDN ($720USD) but that is for a one off custom piece. If we have enough interested people he’s said he’ll make a mold and make more of these. I’m no engineer and the space in the various sized frames may differ. I can’t see them making molds for each frame size CalPac but you never know. Does anybody have a IA thats not 51cm? I’ll measure my CalPac and perhaps a different sized frame owner could do the same? PM me

I’ll inquire in a month after this thread is dying off and however many interested people we get I’ll have him give me a volume quote. Sound fair?

Another option that would be much cheaper is 3D printing. This is the method that was use to make Carfrae’s larger calpak on her bike. Using a 3D scan of the calpak as a starting point this should be pretty easy for someone that has experience. The printing would be much cheaper and I believe there are places you could send the model to get it printed using carbon fiber.

If the piece works as it should, then I’d say that there is a genuine opportunity for you to make some $ there.
Ask him what the cost per unit would be for 100 units.

This is a very good point but I think they used it for one race(Kona) if I am not mistaken. I’d be concerned about durability on a plastic part but then again that’s likely a lack of knowledge. I asked the guy I am dealing with if he would do fiberglass (I was looking for ways to reduce cost) and this was his reply:

“With the requirements that you have and the purpose of the CalPak it makes sense to go with carbon fiber, fiberglass does not fare well under any loads and in time it will break and damage, and also the part would have to be replaced but with carbon it can be repaired but will last longer and is used to torsional stresses and load pressures.”

I’m going to see what he can do for 100 units.

It’s not too bad if proper tooling is used. That stuff is pretty costly.

We’ve got 2 publicly accessible 3D printers here in our Public library so I’m going to see what I can come up with. Cost seems reasonable.

“A printing fee of 5 cents a minute plus $1 will be charged for each print job. An average print job takes about 30 minutes. That will cost $2.50 (30min x 5cents = $1.50 + $1 = $2.50)”

Now it’s a matter of figuring out how to scan the original, redesign it to fit a Shiv Fuselage and a Flat Kit and then print it off. This could be fun!!

Just posting some images of the various angles and customization done so far to keep things in this thread.


Any progress on the scanning?

Ran into a hiccup but I’ve made some progress. The biggest issue so far is scanning the item doesn’t give me a workable file format to manipulate in a CAD software. Trying to take this approach ended up being a waste of time. I went back to the drawing board and I’m hoping to get a much more capable designer/engineer to help but we shall see how that goes. I’ll update this thread as things progress. I may end up spending an absurd amount on this but through that hopefully I can give others with the IA options for internal hydration. I’m still trying to gauge how many others want such a accessory and how much people are willing to pay. I’m not looking to profit from this but get a group together to reduce this from a one off price for a custom part to a bulk order.

Any chance you can send me the file?

I would also be very interested in buying a piece like this.

I would be interested in purchasing. What are your initial thoughts on price?