February Swims - post 'em here

First swim of the month for me was a tough one:

1300 warm up

4 x 25’s dolphin kick uw on 2:00 at 100% effort (did a 75 recoery between each one)
:16 / :15 / :16 / :16

100 Recovery

2 x 50’s on 4:00 (did a 150 easy between each one)
:28 / :28
Took 19 strokes coming home on the second one. Stroke rate was around 120. Ha.

Extra 100 recovery

200 time trial

2:20 - was out in 1:04 or so, got major cramps in my calfs. I rode 90 minutes about 2 hours before the swim, it started showing up around the 2nd fast 50.

200 warm down

2700 SCM

400 warmup
100 @ 1:30
200 @ 3:00
300 @ 4:30
300 @ 4:00 pull (3:24)
200 @ 2:40 pull (2:20)
100 @ 1:20 pull (1:06 last length backstroke)
5 x 100 @ 2:00 (kick)

1x50 @ 1:00
1x50 @ :40
1x50 @ 1:00
2x50 @ :40
1x50 @ 1:00
3x50 @ :40
1x50 @ 1:00
4x50 @ :40
1x50 @ 1:00
5x50 @ :40

100 warmdown

Bonus Set

8x200 @ 2:50 with the fifth one IM.

all SCM

Observation of the day: Your standard swim coach is usually enamored with the concept of “set symmetry”. That’s why my workouts take up so much space here.

3000m (LCM)
Just under HIM effort
15-30 rest between
ave pace 1:46, bit off but hey it’s the end of the week.

let’s see if can remember this one. workouts have been overly complex lately. i should try to make the feb swim challenge thought that means keeping up with the log. felt pretty strong today.

wu: 2 x (100 scull, 4 x 75 strokes)

6 x 100 @ 1:45 (~1:25)
12 x 25 fast kick @ 0:45 (~26-27)
50 fast
2 x 200
50 fast
3 x 400 (things got crazy here w/11 people led by 2 college girls so I opted out of 200, swimming just under 1:30 pace)
100 easy

3300 LCM

EASY morning for me! Wahoo!

Main set:

12x50 @ 60. Free. Use one paddle and one fin on opposite limbs (left hand right foot/ right hand left foot). Switch every two.

12x50 @ 60. 3 Fly breath every 3rd stroke. # 4 is all out free no breathing. (24,26,26)

4,000 scy even on the day for me. And lots of lung burning…

EASY morning for me! Wahoo!

Main set:

12x50 @ 60. Free. Use one paddle and one fin on opposite limbs (left hand right foot/ right hand left foot). Switch every two.

12x50 @ 60. 3 Fly breath every 3rd stroke. # 4 is all out free no breathing. (24,26,26)

4,000 scy even on the day for me. And lots of lung burning…

I always found that my time from a push in pratice SCY on a lactate set was a good predictor of your LCM time. Does this hold for you?

Ummm its close. I havent done a 50 lcm free in a while. But its in the ball park. I think the last time I did it I was in the high 23’s. But that was a few years ago before I was doing all this biking and running shenanigans.

Started following this thread last month when I got back into the pool after a six month break. Would have probably been happy just following it in perpetuity were it not for the fact that I want to give a shout-out to HalfSpeed for posting the pyramid set last week. I love this set, and I don’t remember ever doing one in the years I trained in school, so thanks!

Anyway, might as well post it (or my version) in case anyone else is looking for a new favorite set:

500 w/u

100/200/300/400/500/400/300/200/100 - trying to hold 1:30 (and almost doing it, but not quite on the 400/500) - 60 sec r/i

500 w/d

3500 scy

8 mi easy run
4500 yd swim, easy, achy shoulders

500 w/u
4 x 125 kick the first length
4 x 125 kick the first 50
4 x 125 kick the first 75
5 x 100 on 1:30
4 x 400 desc on 6:30
4 x 100 c/d

4 x 50 @ :45
2 x 200 IM @ 3:15
10 x 50k @ 1:10
8 x 100 @ 1:25
2 x 200p @ 2:50
2 x (4 x 50 @ :40, 4 x 50 @ :50)
100 EZ

3200 scy

400 swim on 6:00
200 on 3, 3x100 on 1:25, 200 on 3, 3x100 on 1:20
All pull with paddles (2:34,1:13-12-12,2:33,1:12-11-10)
4x50 kick on 60

100 easy on 1:40, 1x50 fast on 40
100 easy on 1:40, 2x50 fast on 40
Keep repeating and add an extra 50 each set, finish at 5x50

200 cool down


300 easy
4x50 drill
400-300-200-100 swim on ~1:25/100. 5:09-3:46-2:28-1:13
4-3-2-1 again, but pull w/paddles and buoy on ~1:22.5. Held 1:15 or better.
6x50 fast on :50. 33-33-32-32-31-31
4x50 drill/cool down

Wednesday Speed Session- Done after morning long ride.
3.5ks LCM

400 Easy Choice
16x25 IM Order on 40s
100 Max (push-off wall) 1.08 (pretty shitty)
100 Reco

30x50m on 60s
10 as Pull Paddle
10 as Pull
10 as Free

All under 35s with PP on 31s

16x25 IM
200 Kick
400 CD

I want to give a shout-out to HalfSpeed for posting the pyramid set last week.

OWWW My ears!
I might try this tomorrow - ladder 1000/900/800/700/600/500/400/300/200/100. Why? Dunno, sounds like a challenge & good way to start another month. Think I’ll try 1:20 base, too. That should be fine for the longer distances as I’ll likely hold about 1:15, hopefully better. But that means the shorter distances get less accumulated rest interval, and that’ll be hard.

For the pyramid, try adding a second 500 in the middle there to make it more of a Mayan pyramid, rather than Egyptian. :slight_smile:

200sw, 200k, 200p

4x100@1:35 (1:16-1:27)
~:40 extra (reset clock)
3x100@1:30 (1:23-1:28.5)
~:40 extra (reset clock)
2x100@1:25 (1:20-1:26)

50easy bk/br


Paulo’s “Mr. Bean Special” that was given to the two fast lanes at The Triathlon Squad practice today:

Too funny to not post this one (via @pstriathlon). I was spared and had 10 sets of broken 500s (300 paddles, 200 swim).

8 mi easy run
4500 yd swim, easy, achy shoulders

500 w/u
4 x 125 kick the first length
4 x 125 kick the first 50
4 x 125 kick the first 75
5 x 100 on 1:30
4 x 400 desc on 6:30
4 x 100 c/d


2 x 500 free on :15r, sw/pl
3 x (400 IM + 200 IM + 100IM) kick w/o bd on :15r
10 x 100 breast kick on :10r
10 x 100 breast swim on :15r
200 free easy

5300 SCY plus 1.5 miles on TM.

Weather cancelled the open water swim so back to the pool for the long long session of the week

3000m fs on 40:15
Time - 39:45
5x2000m fs on 27
1000m fs on 13:45
Time - 12:45
5x400m 5:30
90 secs rest
1000m fs 13:50 cruise
500m cool down (450fs 50 bk)

17,500 LCM

Weather cancelled the open water swim so back to the pool for the long long session of the week

3000m fs on 40:15
Time - 39:45
5x2000m fs on 27
1000m fs on 13:45
Time - 12:45
5x400m 5:30
90 secs rest
1000m fs 13:50 cruise
500m cool down (450fs 50 bk)

17,500 LCM

HOLY EFFING SH*T BATMAN!!! 17,500 LCM in one workout!!! Makes my shoulders hurt just thinking about it. Like how you threw in a 50m back at the very end, after 17,450 free. IF I were going to try to do that distance, I’d throw in a lot more of the diff strokes plus a few 1000 kicking.

You Sir are a true three sport athlete, doing swim workouts like that and then biking and running also, as opposed to the guys who just swim a few times before their first race. (See the “swim ramp-up” thread.)

This makes me feel sick. So very impressive.

So a short swim for me…

Wu- 400fr
Ms- 5x66, 5x133, 5x233, 5x133, 5x66
10x66 buoy and band