What ya got and why do you like it?
Garmin Edge 520: features, size, weight, customizable display fields, cost.
Most of them. Swapping them around a lot. The Bolt has remained on the handlebars the most lately.
Edge 500.
Like it because I’ve had it for ages (around 2010 I think but might be 2012 can’t remember) and won’t buy another till it breaks. No sign of that happening any time soon.
On my road bike with an out front mount, my 820 is pretty awesome.
On my tri bike, I sweat on it and the touch screen is a huge PITA though.
Garmin Edge 520. Though, I mostly think they are commodity any more, and it is more about the data ecosystem than the unit itself.
I tried an 820 for a weekend, and I did not like it… got rid of it and back to the 520. The touch screen is unusable when I was sweaty on the ride.
Do they all do turn by turn navigation? When I ride with roadies I always have to stay in the pack because I don’t know the routes (normally 60ish mile rides, I’m fairly new to the area and don’t know the roads at all). I would like to be able to take long turns at the front and get some time in a steady zone 4 effort but would definitely need useable turn by turn navigation to feel comfortable doing that. The edge 500 looks affordable, but from what I can tell it doesn’t really help with navigating.
Stage dash
I recently changed from a 520.
the truth very happy, has some things to improve, but the part of training is very good
to be able to see what happens in that pass, and where is the goal for that pass, power, pulse, cadence, speed
and how much are you from your goal is great
in my case it helps me a lot.
sorry my english
I do not keep up with the older models. But I think most of the current crop of mainstream models do navigation to some degree. It is a specialized use case, so if it is a priority, I would get the Garmin 1030. The Wahoo Bolt, Polar M460, and Garmin 820 also do it well. The Garmin 520 does it good enough for many.
Perfect summary, thanks!
Do they all do turn by turn navigation? When I ride with roadies I always have to stay in the pack because I don’t know the routes (normally 60ish mile rides…
FYI, you’re probably really annoying those roadies. A triathlete showing up and taking overly long pulls can really mess up the dynamic of a group ride. It’s a group ride, not your Zone 4 workout.
I appreciate it, but I think I’m currently annoying them by not doing work at the front until we climb, then dropping them all and waiting at the top (because I want to get some work in and climbing is fun). I agree that most triathletes would not be welcome in a group ride for just these reasons, but riding with roadies is a staple of my training and I’ve been doing it long enough to understand the dynamic of a group. The only ride I currently do with them is not a specific workout for anyone, and we normally rotate through long turns at the front with the leader working pretty hard. I think they would prefer that I use some energy to speed the group up on the flats rather than using it all when it doesn’t help anyone but me, but it’s just really annoying when I go to the front and constantly have to ask “do we turn here? Do I keep going straight?” Or the common occurrence of me going to the front, building up steam only to promptly arrive at a big intersection and have to stop.
Hello swim_corey_run and All,
I currently use a Garmin 520 because it works well with my Garmin Varia https://www.dcrainmaker.com/...aria-vision-hud.html
… keeping in mind … https://medicalxpress.com/news/2010-11-reliance-gps-hippocampus-function-age.html
and … https://pvcycling.wordpress.com/...adventure-wo-socmed/
… noting that … https://pvcycling.wordpress.com/...1/08/lost-and-found/
One other factor I forgot… an 820 doing navigation will barely make it 4 hours. It will not make a century for most people. The 520 doing navigation will last forever. Not sure how long a 1030 lasts doing navigation, but it is a crapton more than an 820. The 820 is optimized for people on short rides who do not sweat.
I’m on my 2nd Edge 500. First one wouldn’t charge anymore after a few years. It’s small and all you really need, except BT. Plus, no one will steal it in Transition because it is the older model.
That’s really good to know, thank you.
Garmin 520
For turn by turn, look at the Lezyne Super GPS. Easier to make changes mid - ride and much cheaper than anything Garmin. You just have to get over the Soviet era styling.
My goal is to use my Note 8 phone. ipbike seems to work well. Why would I want another head unit when I have a smart phone? Just give me the apps
Yeah, that probably just jumped to the top of my list, thank you. All about finding something I can actually afford!