Favero Assioma Uno Upgrade Option

I want to upgrade from my Favero Assioma Uno to a Duo. Has anyone just purchased the right Power Pedal to successfully achieve this?

On the Favero website the right Power Pedal alone is $364.24 and the Assioma Upgrade Kit with right Power Pedal and charger is $487.61. If I buy the charger, cable and pedal separate it’s an $89.86 savings… Or if I just use the same charger for both pedals it’s a savings of $123.37. Just wondering if anyone with the Uno has bought just the right Power Pedal and successfully paired them with no issues… Thanks.

My R pedal failed a few months ago and when I contacted them, they had me change my settings to Uno. Then they sent a new “internal” for the R pedal. Once I replaced that, they had me switch back to Duo and it worked fine.

That doesn’t directly answer your question, but indirectly, I would surmise that it would work.

HOWEVER, Favero has great tech support. I don’t think they’d red-flag you if you called and asked them the question. They may have a really good technical reason it won’t work.

OTHO, why go Duo? The reason I asked is because when I was on Uno, I really didn’t miss all the stats provided with the Duo. I’m slow, so the only think I care about are the power numbers and cadence. When I was Uno I got everything I needed. I originally bought the Duo because, well, I’m in my 60s and have the money. I didn’t need the Duo and I probably don’t make great use of it.

If your not FOP and you’re concerned about a $100 savings, I would recommend not going to Duo. YMMV and this is just MHO.

I actually agree on the upgrade to duo not being worthwhile. I had gotten (and still use) the duo as my first power meter purchase because my right leg feels way stronger than my left leg. But in practice I’m right leg 51% and left leg 49% so a 4% difference from one leg to the other. After doing research is pretty standard and is not significantly skewing the data to be not useful in some case. I even tested against Z2 endurance rides vs VO2 max efforts but always comes out 51/49. When it fails, I’ll be going single-sided.